
Is it mean to leave my ferret home alone?

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i am leaving on friday morning and returning sunday morning. she will not be in a cage. She will be safe, there is nothing she can get into




  1. Even if you think there's nothing she can get into, there are A MILLION things she can get into.  Keep her in her cage, and get a friend, relative, or neighbor to come over once a day to let her out and play with her for an hour or so.  It's a short term thing, so she'll be fine.  Please do not let her have free run of the house while you're gone, it'll be in ruins when you come back, I promise.  

  2. It may not be "mean" but it's pretty foolish.  Ferrets are quite curious, mischievous creatures and with all that spare time she'll have without you around she could get herself into trouble - or even killed.  

    A far better option would be to board her over the weekend.  Most ferret shelters will board ferrets there for a small donation.  And with them being experts at ferret care you don't have to worry about your ferret getting ill and them not knowing what to do.  Here's a list of shelters -

    Another option is to have a friend come over at least once a day to give the ferret a few hours of out of cage time.  I have cats as well as ferrets and we head out of town every month or so for cat shows.  I pay a neighbourhood teenager $20 for the weekend and he comes over twice a day to give them fresh water, add more food and lets them run around the house.

  3. Yeah, I have to agree with the others, it might not necessarily be mean to leave her, but I personally would never do it. They always find something to get into, even when you think there's nothing for them to get into. Isn't there anyone around that could check on her (family, friend, neighbor)? What if she runs out of food or spills all of her water an hour after you leave, then what would she do? What happens if she climbs up on something, falls, and seriously injures herself? I just don't think it's the best idea. You should either board her or find someone that can check on her at least twice a day. You could go away and come back to find her perfectly fine, but there's always that small chance that something could happen. It's up to you if you want to take that chance, but I personally wouldn't do it.

  4. find a friend who has ferrets, get them to leave them with her so she will have company, and really quintuple (5) check the family room, there is tons of stuff they could get into, and leave some toys

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