
Is it men's job to protect women?

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This was the opinion of a GWS user who is now, thankfully, gone for good. He said that it doesn't matter if a woman wants to be protected by men; that's what they have to do, for whatever reason.





  1. Males have had instilled in them the understanding that Females who can bear Children must be protected from predators. Men can Father Children until they are very old. Women's ability to bear children their fecundity insured the survival of the Family.

    For this reason Men were seen as disposable and Women as needing protection. This is just survival instinct that was instilled into Men for generations. Fathers transmitted this to their Sons. Who in turn transmitted this cultural value to their Sons.

    As Feminism and public policy has removed Men from Families by the millions. Family is being redefined as a Mother and "her" Children. Reducing Men effectively to a walking ATM Machine and Sperm Donor. With no real standing in the Family. With an invoice presented and a Jail Cell waiting if they don't pay up. Not even the former Soviet Union treated their Men in such a punitive system. This contributes directly to the high suicide rate of Divorced Fathers.

    Men have one mechanism to negotiate better standing. They can refuse to cooperate in the system. They can boycott or Lock Out Women from marriage. That is what is happening. Marriage Avoiders, Marriage Strikers, and US Men who marry Foreign Women are changing the odds.

    IMBRA is a legal answer to criminalize US Men as abusers who seek a Marriage with a Foreign Woman. The other answer is to go Expat leave the US and Marry in another country. That is starting to happen.

    Every time I read the insults of Women about what losers US Men are who marry Foreign Women. I think of at least a Dozen CEOs I know personally who are married to Foreign Women. Two of whom are worth more than a Billion Dollars.

    What worries US Women is the high net worth most desirable providers are saying NO to marriage. And going offshore. This is the Achilles Heel of the Feminist movement. This is why IMBRA was passed and added to the reauthorization of VAWA. Nice try it won't work.

    With the recent Palimony ruling by the NJ Supreme Court. That Cohabitation is not needed for a valid Palimony claim. It is now obvious that the next step will be a Man tax. Two Economists have already advanced such a proposal.

    Just wait until it is implemented by the Government to make the Feminists happy. Things are ugly now and will get much uglier.

  2. I think society teaches men to be protective of women. If you want to consider that his "job", whatever...

    I know as an example, if I saw a man hit a woman, I would be obliged to intervene on her behalf and defend her. I think most men would. I would not feel the same obligation were I witness to a man hitting another man (unless I felt it was an unfair fight); he can stand up for himself...

    I find it hypocritical that women here mostly answered "No." because most would expect their boyfriend or husband to defend them, if they were physically or verbally assaulted. You cannot tell me, that if you were with a woman, and someone punched her or knocked her down etc. and you just stood there and watched, that she wouldn't be enraged at you later for not defending her. Men would not expect the same from women they are with (They might even feel embarrassment if she did).

  3. funny you bring this up... just the other day I was talking with the hubby and he mentioned he felt he had to provide for me... I chuckled because this has never been an issue. We have both always maintained jobs and shared our money / accounts to pay bills ect, so it was puzzling to me why he would feel this way. I simply said that he didn't, and  pointed out that we are in this together.

    I think that men inherently feel this way, sort of like it's breed into them. I suppose its similar to the "mothering" instinct that women have. Just goes to show that some feelings are closely related to instinct, but not necessarily needed.

  4. I think it's natural for men to feel protective towards women... and I don't see anything wrong with that. It doesn't imply any lack of respect for her, it's just a way of showing he cares.

    I'm glad that my boyfriend is protective of me; surely a man who wants to abuse women is more worrying than one who wants to protect us?

  5. I don't wait for a man to protect me, I protect myself..When I was working in HongKong I was in a night club dancing with a  handsome mexican Navy or Marine, then it rains beer bottles around,This guy left me and run so fast to save his self, and I crawled and ducked to a nearby bar. Then  afterwards  he come back to me and resume his lovey dovey attitude and he said he's sorry that he left me. That happened 23 yrs. ago. Now that I am in the USA I am turn off with these handsome  macho latinos. I don't expect for any man to protect me,of course if there is vicious dog infront of me ,I'd go behind a man for shield, I would rather the dog will bite him instead of me. Yeah , I learned fast........

  6. Both men and women should always try to protect someone who needs it.

  7. I only protect female family members and female friends. If I don't have any kind of relationship with you I don't care about you. So to answer the question, no it isn't a man's job to protect women he does not have some sort of relationship with.

  8. I think it is funny how some say "feminist still expect their men to be men" DUH!  Women have strength they do not know about or tend to educate themselves on and there is nothing wrong with a women learning to defend herself instead of depending on the "kindness" of men to defend her.  If I am with my husband and a dumb man tried to hurt me; my husband would defend me.  However am I supposed to be weak when he is not around or should I learn to protect myself?  My husband feels better to know that I can defend myself so that he doesn't have to worry when he is not around.  I wouldn't depend on some strange guy to come to my rescue and I have broken up many fights all by myself.  I am a girl who can go into a mosh pit with the big boys and handle my own; its like training for men I don't know or trust.

  9. Well, I think both men and women should protect each other.  So my answer to you is no, it's not their sole responsibility.

  10. My wife appreciate's my looking out for her and taking care of her emotionally, financially, spirtitually and intellectually.  I don't think there is anything wrong with her expectation or with my obliging her.  However, the purpose of my protection, in my mind, is to help her grow and be better, not to treat her like a child.  And she does the same for me, as well.

  11. I agree with johno. But beyond that, no. Have a go heroes usually end up being hurt themselves. Classic example is something I was reading a couple of months ago about some boys in a flat shouting obscene remarks out the window to a group of girls across the road. A man stepped in and shouted at the boys to stop. Whereupon they came down and stabbed the guy (I think to death, can't remember). The girls weren't in any real danger (at that stage anyway). But the man's actions, though well intentioned, inflamed the situation.


    Plus the other problem I have with this mentality is that it does nothing to encourage women to learn to defend THEMSELVES. I doubt any woman here (I could be wrong) never goes out of the house by herself. Well, if she's gone to the shops and is mugged and there's no man around to help her, and she can't defend herself, what's she going to do? All women should be encouraged to learn at least basic martial arts. It's not about men not being able to protect women but about ensuring that women can protect themselves better.

  12. he SHOULD be gone for good. some girls can take care of themselves and don't need  or want ANYONE to protect them. some guys need to be protected cuz they can't fight. my bff keeps me busy when he goes into Boston. I'd liek to sucker punch the guy that said that.

  13. you sure he's gone for good? refer to Shamu's question about women in the military.....someone has said this exact thing on there.

    but no, of course it is not the job of men to protect women. to imply that is insulting to women and burdensome to men. it's also ridiculously old fashioned and not necessary.

    EDIT: the quote i was referring to:

    "Don't you understand, Real Men value women, and we are genetically programed to protect you."

    oh, THAT guy. he's really gone? whoo-hoo.

    EDIT:men may feel like they need to protect women, but it's not their job!

    angi: i'm not saying that wanting to protect someone isn't honorable, but why does it have to be man vs woman? why can't we all just look out for each other?  geez.

  14. No, but that's what women expect.

    If you and your boyfriend are out walking in the city (or anywhere) and an aggressive dog comes out of no where.. don't you expect him to stand in front of you? How would you feel if he just ran away and left the dog to attack you?

    OR lets say a mugger attacks you guys. Same thing... your boyfriend just runs away and lets the mugger rob you.

    You feminists can talk all the trash you want. But deep inside, you STILL expect a MAN to be a MAN. That's what makes feminism so hypocritical in the first place.

  15. I will always have the natural instinct to try and protect people I care about. If it happens to be a woman so be it.

  16. People should watch out for each other, regardless of gender, because we're all members of the human race.

  17. As humans yes male and females both have diverse roles in nature. Women are the nurturers and gatherers, men are the protectors and hunters! That is how it has always been and always will be. look at the physical structure of the male and female body and it will tell you that without any in depth research.

  18. women can say whatever they like but they want men to protect them. They expect it.

  19. I think it's incredibly sad that so many here are denigrating what is actually an honorable instinct.

    I think feminists disagree with it because it implies a woman is lesser in some ways, but there's no getting around that fact that most men are stronger.

    I personally appreciate a man who acts selflessly for others. He should be applauded and respected in my mind.

    Anyone who runs away from his woman at the sight of a mugger is not only cowardly but doesn't care very much for you anyway.

    I would think that good people immediately think of protecting each other if they're together. The man, however, knowing he's more physically capable feel a greater sense of responsibility.

    This could all be hardwired from eons of evolution as well.

  20. When my ex-girlfriend and I were robbed while we were out walking one night, it was 3 guys vs. the 2 of us. The guys attacked me, and she stood there avoiding them.

    I don't blame her, and was fine with her reaction. I honestly don't know what I would've done if they'd attacked her. It's easy to say I would've jumped up, and fought back, but in real life it's not so black and white. I don't think it's anyone's job to protect anyone unless we're talking about cops or firefighters.

  21. It's only his job to protect me if I hired him for that purpose.

    A lot of men seem to have a sexual or emotional fetish about protecting women. I don't know whether it's cultural or biologically hard-wired. The former, I suspect. I don't recall it being a trait of young boys toward young girls.

  22. I think that it is a man's job to protect a woman just as it is for a woman to protect a man. A husband's protection over his wife is different. He protects her from other men, the evils of the world(when he can), voilence, etc...

    A wife also protects her husband. It is a man's job to protect women, but in another way, women protect men. It goes both ways. I don't think that the girl you speak of is wrong, she just didn't mention that we all protect eachother.

    EDIT: Oh, well...HE wasn't entirly wrong.

  23. yes, i see it as my job. its natural. i cant just sit there and do nothing if a woman i care about is hurting. it sucks when she throws it back in our faces though.

  24. I think it really depends on who is more capable of protecting.  Typically this is the male, but sometimes it is the female.  I was playing cards with my husband and about 8 of my husbands friends last night and felt very safe...much safer than if I was with 8 of my friends.  I would find it difficult to find 8 women who on average weighted 220 and had less than 25% body fat.  It has nothing to do with what is between their legs, but everything to do with their size.

    I truly question whether you want answers to your "question" or a debate.  Just because someone's opinion differers from yours and there are exceptions to every theory does not mean they are invalid.

    EDIT- What are you accomplishing by stating how you are the exception then?  There are exceptions in nearly everything.  However there will always be a generality that holds true.  Is that not what has been drilled in to people's heads here when speaking of society?  Don't we speak of generalities rather than point out exceptions?

    EDIT- As I always state "Absolutes are the results of ignorance."  There is no point in debating with the ignorant.

  25. A lot of men will try to "protect" women, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that, a lot of men feel that it is their responsibility.  But a woman can always say no, and if the man follows her around in an attempt to constantly protect her, she can get a restraining order.

    Most men will leave a woman alone if she tells him to, so obviously this quote doesn't make any sense.

  26. Maybe if he was a police officer, or a fire fighter, or a member of the military.. or a hired body guard :)

    No, but really... I feel that my guy, out of love, should protect me.. but I also feel that I should be the same way toward him.

    I also know that either of us would do our best to protect or help anyone else that needed it.. regardless of gender.

    He's got an old fashioned streak in him.. so he probably thinks it's his "job" to protect me ... but I just laugh it off ... what ever makes him feel good. :)

  27. If I see a lady being attacked I will step in.  Feminists are on their own but I would call the cops.

  28. No,

    It is not our "job" to protect women. It is our responsibility to protect anyone in need of our help. If you as a man witness anyone that is in need of your help and you ignore it or walk away, you are either a coward, or selfish. We as Men are typically, physically stronger than Women are. Some Men use this to their advantage and the only one that can stop them is another Man. Sometimes, waiting for the police is not an option because great harm comes to the Woman because of the response time.I am in a relationship with a wonderful Woman that appreciates the fact that she feels absolutely safe when she is with me (I know for a fact because she tells me this all of the time). I also open her doors, or anything else that makes her know that she is appreciated and loved. Men just don't do the things today that are rewarding to both them and their partner.

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