
Is it mental abuse.......

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to call your daughter a f*cking b*tch. This just some of the daily mental abuse I go through every day at my house.

If someone thinks that this could be serious, I really want to get to the bottom of it. My dad does know that she says things like that, but ow he wouldn't help me if I thought I was being abused. He thinks I "over-react". I would really (REALLY) like some help. Just someone I couldn't e-mail a little bit. Then maybe offer some adivce. So, is it mental abuse?




  1. Is it your mom who is calling you this? You need to tell someone if you can't tell your dad. Talk to a grandparent, someone at your church, someone at school -counselor, teacher.

    Let them know exactly what is going on and they will help you figure out how to deal with things.

    When this person says these thing to you, try to repeat something good in your head that someone you are close to you has a grandma or close friend.  SOmething positive. Don't let these cruel words have meaning - they are someone elses anger, not true.

    You sound very sweet and I am sure you will find someone to help

    Remember, if your dad isn't an option , then talk to someone!

    Don't keep it in.

  2. Yes, it is. You dad is being blind to the problem for whatever reason. I think you need to talk to a counselor or someone in your area about this.  

  3. possibly the best thing to do is find yourself some evidence, not that i feel you are lieing in any way, shape or form... perhaps if you have a tape recorder you can record what she is saying, get your mother and father together and let them both listen to the tape. its very easy to loose your temper and say things you dont mean but perhaps if she heard them back it would make her realise what she has said?

  4. This is definitely mental abuse, and this can hurt more than physical abuse, because it stays with you longer. I was mentally abused, and used to believe what was told to me, please don't believe your mother. It sounds like she may have grown up in a similiar household, but you can break the cycle. When you get married and have kids, don't call them stupid or terrible names. What I tell my children is that I love them, I just don't like their behavior. Please find a school counselor, priest, teacher, friend, someone you can talk to, and try not to let your mother's abuse affect your entire life, don't believe it. You are a Child of God, and deserve to be treated with love and respect, just like everyone else does.  

  5. It's called emotional abuse. And no one should have to put up with it. Depending on your age you should either report this to your school or cps or if you are old enough 16 or so you should just get a job and move out. I know what it's like only I didn't have those options when I was young. I just had to take it. With my dad it actually got much worse though there were days that I wasn't "allowed" to go to school because I had so many bruises. One year the school actually held me back because I'd missed so many days.  

  6. Sweetheart I'm a Mother of 2 girl's and there are many types of abuse. Emotionally abuse is a very high one that is overlooked. You may be scared to call CPS but believe me from someone who has been there they are there to help the situation out not to make it worse at all.

    Whatever you decide to do will be better for you and your dad. If you wanna E-mail me I'm at I'll respond to any of your questions. I've been through lots of kinds of abuse and am willing to help anyone no matter what their age may be. Hope to hear from you soon

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