
Is it moral to do deceptive things like falsely report answers that you don't agree with?

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I just had 2 answers falsely reported by Christian bashers because I pointed out they were Christian bashing. Is deceptive behavior moral?




  1. Rob,

    Try sticking to pointing out the sins in Christians and leaving those who don't believe the same as you alone. If they want to 'bash' you then rejoice for you are 'sharing in Christ's suffering'.

    When it comes to those who don't share your hope in Christ, try offering them that and nothing else - you might find that they show you less animosity in future. Remember Christ's teaching to be gentle and Paul's to show others humility thinking of them as better than you are...

  2. I am also a Christian but I could not agree with reporting answers because   of Christian bashing.

    People have their opinions and we should respect that. Everyone can express themselves.

    The thing is to not be too much affected about those things because expressing faith is not all about disagreeing or arguing people for their doubts about religion but to be more faithful to your religion and not to mind too much about their opinions.

    I'm just saying. I hope you got the point.

  3. I have be reported a number of times for basically the same reasons. Someone just doesnt agree and they will say it is offensive.

    I think this happens way too much from "both" sides of the issues

  4. Anybody can report anybody... obviously the parties most hurt will be the ones reporting the most....

  5. Women Hunting. Polish your gun n get ready.

  6. For the record, I have * never * reported a single question on R&S.  Even the nastiest, God-mocking post (I hesitate to call them "questions" because I do not believe their purpose is to gain information).

    In the end, some answers will contain the Gospel; something that might get picked up on a search engine.  God uses all situations to reach His purpose.

    The Christian-bashing "questions" make me chuckle.  I'm not sure what end the authors think these questions serve, but God used the death of his Son to rescue the human race.  Certainly he can use a hastily-formed mockery on a website to His devices.

  7. For the record...I  NEVER use the report button.....I figure its gods job to figure it out!

  8. I think it is sad that people falsely report each other here.

    You need to remember that many people here do not submit to the moral law of God and by their own standards they think they are moral

  9. I'd say there's at least a 50-50 chance that you violated the Community Standards, and that you're the one behaving deceptively. Well over half of the people here who complain about "Christian bashers" are in fact complaining about people who simply disagree with their false religious beliefs.

    For an example, take a look at your behavior here:;...

    and here:;...

    I strongly suggest that you learn to behave yourself, and stop complaining about others' behavior.

  10. I am an atheist and I get the same thing from Christians.

    It is an incredibly immature and childish thing to do.

  11. No, rather, it is immoral. Bearng false witness in one of the ten commandments, that is a sin, and throughout the bible deception or misleading words are condemned, because the are lies; and lying is sinning, and even Christ described the devil as the father of lies(John.8:44).  So if we lie, we are under the parental guidance of the devil.  Even the first sin was deception, when Eve entered into a philosophical discussion with the serpent, she was deceived(I Timothy.2:14).

  12. What Patriot said.

    The question is even a borderline rant, which is against the standards.

  13. It is childish is what it is, I had a question deleted yesterday for no apparent reason.  

  14. Oh well, this happens almost every day to me. Most of my answers in my list are all greyed out. And I never swear, throw comments to people, say anything without citing references. If somebody really actually thinks that reporting things they don't like in life has merit, then feel free. I mean really, its just silly, and pointless.  

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