
Is it moraly right to cheat and then leave your first wife after she had a disfiguring accident?

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come on moral family values conservatives... lets see some consistency




  1. yes it is if she looks gross

  2. This is the reason I am No longer Republican, they preach Family Values but they sure don't live it. The Great John McCain, but Cindy is no better. She married John knowing he was not yet divorced from Carol. Cindy stole drugs from a charitable organization to support her drug habit!  Money also kept her from going to Jail!  It's unbelievable that those two could be President and First Lady of this Nation! For people to Vote for the likes of these two, tells us just how Low Family Values has fallen in the Nation. Shame!

  3. I've never heard of him cheating, but seriously, wouldn't you be horrifically shocked if you haven't seen your spouse in several years and then have his/her perfect image COMPLETELY torn apart when you came home and found out that something horrible happened?  It's like she's not the same person anymore.


    I guess if he can lie at the marriage alter, trying to Unite the States would be on the same principles...

    It is funny how McCain supporters talk about 'country first' but are first to attack 'party' when their candidate is looking bad.  

    How about the opponent issue for issue..?  And suck it up if he is outted on it....geez these people are so brainwashed even coming to is a challenge..

    Obama/Biden 08

  5. With the cheating that the democrats have had in the last few years CLINTON & EDWARDS right up front you might want to go hide  

  6. according to the article he returned in 1973, they divorced in 1980. so can anyone prove that's why he left her? could it be the marriage dissolved? we weren't there! and the article also states she herself said that wasn't the reason for the divorce!  

  7. she said it herself the accident wasnt teh cause of there divorce get over it, the man was in prison for 5 years he came back a different person get over it

  8. No, but we all have our failings.

    Overall, they worked out and moved on.  So should you.

  9. Let see McCain own up to and admitted it was his fault.

    She has forgiven him and supports McCain for president too.

    Big difference McCain didn't send Cindy out to cry John as victim of the left wing media.

  10. I guess people who agree to do this; would not mind if this happens to their daughters and moms. For some its not okay when John Edwards does this to his wife, but okay when McCain does the same.

  11. H3ll no, it is not morally right.

    What judgment?

    What hypocrite?

    What liar?

    What a c**t?

  12. that article is not flattering.  I feel sorry for Carol McCain.  Apparently beauty is everything... I will not be voting for McCain.

  13. As a lifelong democrat I can honestly say I don't agree with much of the "family values" that the Republicans spew.  However, in this election I feel national defense is the primary issue and I honestly don't believe Obama is qualified, or willing, to defend our nation. I am comfortable voting for a republican this election knowing that both houses of congress will be democrat and can blunt his conservative/moral agenda.  However, if Obama is elected he will have a free hand with no check on his agenda.

  14. Not if you're a Democrat, and especially not if you're Bill Clinton.  

  15. This isn't a political issue.

    But, since you attacked conservatives...I'm sure we all rest better at night knowing that a liberal would never cheat on his wife, especially not IN the oval office.  Yeah, sure, Hilary didn't have an accident but she still looks disfigured...same difference.  

  16. It is not morally right.  So much for family values.

  17. is it moral to get blow jobs while being president? "clinton

    is it moral to have an affair and use government money to pay for it and then have a baby and still stay married? "edwards"

    is it moral to be married and have an office affair and fire anyone who knew about it? "Kilpatrick

    I can go on and on.

    and BTW, mccains x wife is voting for him and says they have a great relationship with each other.

    in her own words...

    "We grew apart. no need to stay married."

    how come she has no problem with this, but you do. but yet you have no problem with any democrat having affairs.

    at least mccain left his wife and lied about it.

  18. Apparently it's all ok if you say you're sorry afterwards.

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