
Is it more acceptable for men to act in anti-social and abusive ways...?

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than it is for a woman to behave in those ways?

Are men's poor behavior often excused or seen as something others should seek to fix for him?




  1. I have little to add to the previous posters, but I have noticed that the women on this forum that are profeminism are usually logical and try to get their point across in a calm manner, while the antifems are emotionally uncontrolled and blatantly, intentionally offensive, and everyone "walks" around them like the retarded cousin - trying not to pay attenion.  I think we should fight fire with fire.

  2. I think that it is becoming evermore unacceptable for men to behave in ways that most of society used to tolerate. Men get fired over the smallest infraction at work. Women can get men thrown out of bars and night clubs for nothing these days. The men who have the most to lose, tend to behave the best. If you're in a relationship with a man who has a criminal record and doesn't work regularly, you have reason to believe that he may become a nuissance to you if you ever break up with him, because he has far less to lose than a productive member of society. What does a stalking charge or a restraining order mean to a man who cannot or will not work, who is probably going to wind up in the slammer anyway? I think many women know who the bad men are in our society, but they choose to date them anyway because they like the challenge of trying to change these men.

  3. Yes it is more socially accepted. Men are expected to behave in bestial sometimes brutal ways. That's not just sexism either. It definately has it's foundation in their physical make up. I'm talking about hormones. Men are basically driven by testosterone, the male hormone, which was great 15,000 years ago when it was crucial for the survival of human kind. Now, it's just outlived it's usefulness, and just goes around starting wars and such.

    In my opinion, testosterone should be a controlled substance.

  4. It works for me !

  5. Yes. In our society, we perpetuate and support rape myths about women (i.e., they are asking for it, they wanted attention, etc) and normalize sexual assault. While sexual assault is NEVER acceptable, men are given quite a bit of extra moral room because we as a culture have defined male sexuality as uncontrollable (hint: it isn't).

  6. No. I don't know where you live, but where I'm from it is not socially acceptable for men to be abusive.

  7. no!

  8. No, I think it is more acceptable for women to.  If a man does it there is automatically a problem or he is an as$hole and should be thrown in jail.  Women's poor behavior is often not only accepted more, but even supported or encouraged.

  9. It's not acceptable for anyone to act that way.  Gender has nothing to do with it.  The only people who excuse men's poor behavior are other men with poor behavior and women who are desperate.

    Don't fix him.  He'll figure it out when nobody wants to play with him.  Or - he'll come here and become a bonehead and blame his unhappy life on feminism/women.

  10. Good question, I believe its because men are allowed to behave in ways they please simply because they are men whereas women def. do have societal social "rules", it's unfair but it's life.

  11. No.

    From what I've witnessed, most women who act in anit-social and abusive ways do so as a reaction to something a man - father, husband, someone else, has done to them.

    It is never, repeat never, acceptable for a man to be abusive. If he, for example, gets hit over the head by a frying pan he leaves the house and then gets help for her. He doesn't ever hit back.

    If he's anti social but not harming anyone then, that's his choice.

  12. I must say to The Mrs. thank you, injecting some sanity.

    First of all go to any local supermarket and se how many bullying aggressive women there are, do you imagine for a moment it stops with the children. Are women bullying an aggressive to other women, are these women confining that behaviour to women only, what happens if women with such behaviour becomes your boss, as I have had?

    Come with me to any, ANY club in London then you will understand the true dark side of women’s behaviour, I have seen deaths result from the direct actions of women out of control.

    We know it is wrong for men to act aggressively and it must NOT be tolerated, but when women do it then it is deemed to be ok, well its mainly hidden but it is not OK

    As you can see from ‘Xpert’ above, but I have news for you if you are hypocritical, I now have zero, Z-E-R-O tolerance for the constant abuse from women, and will not except excuses.

    My girlfriend has told me that I am two sensitive, to which I reply, “You tell me, just how sensitive YOU think I am allowed to be”

    The other one I hear when I challenge outright aggressive behaviour is, “Can’t you take a joke.” to this I always reply, “No I will not take any of your jokes”

    People who live in ‘glasshouses’ need to learn NOT to throw stones

    I have reported, three abusive women on Y/A thus far, but it is only the tip of the iceberg, I won’t tolerate chat about ‘male decapitations’ and other outrageous 5hit, no matter who it comes from, or WHY it’s done!!!

    People need to WAKE UP, & STOP PLAYING!!!

  13. No it is not exceptable,and what I have seen now days,woman get away with it,of which makes it look like its exceptable for them to be that way..

    To many things are being left to being ok,it only becomes unexceptable when the law steps in,and says it wrong..

  14. Abuse shouldn't be allowed by the group.

    When they see one member attack another, repeatedly like a right, and all the way to the point of chasing her off, denying her of being a part happily, hurting her like that...the guy should have been stopped. The group should intervene in such a situation. Not just should, they should feel unable NOT to!   -to  stick up for  someone getting hurt, and for keeping a good atmosphere in their little group.

    You dont just stand by and watch!

    You see my example?

    I'll probably invite some trouble for this-->but I did the RIGHT thing.

    We need to support each other, as it's needed.

    And as for the man's abusive behavior...

    1) I think I could write a chapter on the language barrier between men and women. I can't elaborate enough on that quickly now, but I've SEEN guys get taken as "interrogating" a woman, and really he was just misunderstanding the direction her VAGUE answer was misleading him to (Oh it might be clear to another woman what youre saying when you HINT, but to a man it isnt. And we can get all confused. And in man language the guy thought of himself as being friendly - and the woman thought she was being grilled.

    And neither of them understood the other. So now there's resentment.

    What a shame.

    They each wanted to communicate, and didnt know the code!

    I saw this recently, and would gladly help in the creation of a helpful brochure for us here! which would serve as a translation guide, which could be turned to to eliminate some of these troubles.  (I gest, but it sure wouldnt hurt! )

    Ya' ever read Deborah Tannen's, You Just Dont Understand?

    2) (as for the man's abusive behavior) I think EVERYONE deserves to be helped to grow.

    So I said he should have been stopped by the group, before it got this far - yes. It sure should have. Excuses should not be made while someone gets hurt.

    and even moreso  to the point of going away and being upset


    But then he should have been simply taken aside and talked to as to why people feel this way to tell him to stop something, and then give him the chance.

    He expresses the desire for one.

    So let him know what's up, and so he can handle it.

    As I've been going on about-->maybe he didnt really KNOW!

    Give the guy a chance to be a mensch.

  15. Yep.  They are referred to as assertive, strong.  Women are referred to as a *****.

  16. Last night on the news, one of the major stories was about a group of girls bashing up another girl from their high school.  If they were boys, would the story have received quite so much press?  Probably not.  I don't think that it is that males get away with this behaviour or that it is acceptable, just that when it comes from females, it is seen as more shocking.  Girls still have that 'sugar, spice, and everything nice' label- although it is patently not so.  This type of behaviour is unacceptable from anyone, but perhaps we still do expect it to come from males more often than females.

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