
Is it more beneficial to take vitamins in the morning, or evening?

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I say morning, my husband says evening. What say you? And before someone says, why am I posting this in Seniors--because Seniors have the good sense God gave em, that's why.




  1. I take all my medication at breakfast.  I think as Gladys mentioned, it the taking them at the same time everyday that works best.

  2. I take 1 Omega-3 Super Pill with fish oil and everything in it in the morning and have cut my high blood pressure pills in half and taking at night because they make me sleepy. Take 1 Super Pill with dinner!  I'm sick of taking pills and down-sizing as long as my blood-pressure stays down!!

  3. With evening meal. Vits should be taken with meals for maximum absorption.

    In the evening, because the body does general repairs while sleeping, and I want to make nutrients available for repair.

    Food/calories provide what's needed during the day: simple fuel.

  4. I've always taken mine in the morning. My reasoning was that I would be active all day and would need the benefits of the added vitamins during the daytime hours when I was burning up the most calories and using the most energy.

  5. My doctor told me that you should set up a daily routine to take them at the same time every day, whether it's morning, noon, or night.  It really boils down to taking them when it's most convenient for you.   Make sure you read the labels of your vitamins. Sometimes the manufacturer will recommend when they should be taken. Some vitamins need to be taken in divided doses. If that is the case, spread your vitamin doses throughout the day.  I usually time mine at lunch so that I don't take them on an empty stomach.

  6. I take them with the evening meal, only because I have other pills that I take in the morning.

  7. Hello,  I take 4 in the morning and 6 at night, when i asks the Doc' whats the most beneficial he replied , the 6 at night will make sure you will survive to take the 4 in the morning. keen sense of humour i hope. lol

  8. When do you prefer to be perkiest? .... I'm with the old man, I'd take them in the evening.

  9. I would think morning. If they give you energy, you don't want to try to go to sleep after taking them. I'm having trouble sleeping, so I'm changing a lot of things I've been doing to try to get my body regulated to normal hours again.

  10. Thank you for posting here. Hubby & I take Vits. with breakfast and other medications all day long.

    I just heard Dr. Rosenthal on TV this morning telling the neg. effects of any juices within hours of taking your medications & especially grapefruit juice. I have GERD and suppose to avoid juices for that reason also. Wouldn't you know I love everything that's bad for me. LOL Oh well, better to be informed. "I can live with that."

    Have a blessed Sunday. ~~~~

  11. My doctor has always said take a multi-vitamin with food-morning or lunch time. If you take it in the evening or before you go to bed, it will interfere with sleep mode, keeps your mind active.

  12. My doctor told me to take the multi-vitamin at night before bedtime.  She said it would help me sleep better.  For some reason, it works.  I don't know if this is true for everyone.

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