
Is it more efficient to have your bike seat low or high?

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i know someone who rides a bike with a seat so high most people can't get on and he says its more energy efficient.

is it better to have a low bike seat or a high one?




  1. ride with a seat dont hurt urself, a highers seat will be less tedious on ur legs where a low seat you will find urself working much harder. It all about personal preferance. Usually bmx riders put their seats all the way down so they have more room for tricks, mountain bikers/cruisers usualy in the middle and racers up high. just go ride a bike

  2. It depends a little on the type of bike you have and the type of riding you do.....but generally, a higher saddle position that gives you near-full leg extension is more efficient and comfortable.  

    If you do a lot of pedaling and your seat is low, you won't be using all of your leg muscles and you'll probably get tired quickly or can even develop pains in your knee, cramps, tight hamstrings, etc.  You don't want to put your seat too high, because the same things can happen if you do that.   A good rule of thumb is to set it so that you can rest your heel on the pedals when they're pointed straight down in line with the seat tube on the frame.  That way, when you pedal with the balls of your feet on the pedal axle (as you should), you'll have a slight bend in your knee.     There are more exact ways to set your seat height, but this is a decent starting point.  

    Hope this helps some....and remember that if you've been riding a certain way for awhile, it's best to change gradually over a few rides to a new position.  Making a big change all at once can make you a little sore.

  3. I prefer no seat at all.  It keeps you alert and builds endurance.  If you forget about the missing seat - you then find yourself doing a pitch perfect impression of Pee Wee Herman.

  4. Since this is an either/or question, I vote for high.  Way high will damage your knees as they lock out on the bottom of the stroke.   Way Low will damage your knees as you continually bend them over 90 degrees.   They will also bash you in the chin and or elbows.

    The most effcient seat height is one where you get nice extension on the bottom of the stroke w/o locking out your knee...

  5. If you want to set your seat to the most efficient height (assuming it isn't a bmx), set the seat high enough that you can fully extend your leg with your heel on the pedal at the bottom of the stroke.  This will allow for a slight bend with the pedal under the ball of your foot, yet your knees will be near 90 degrees at the top of the stroke.

    If you do it properly, you will get near full extension while spinning, but your hips will stay steady.

  6. For most riding you want the seat to be at a height where your leg is almost fully extended with your foot on the pedal at the lowest position. If you seat is too low, you don't get a full extension of your leg. Your legs are more powerful when almost fully extended compared to a fully bent position.

  7. Neither!

    Ideally you will set the seat high enough so your knees don't hit your chest and low enough so that your hips aren't rocking side to side when you spin the pedals.

    At full extension (one of the pedals all the way down) your leg should be slightly bent... you don't want to have to lock your knee!

    He must be pretty tall to have a seat so high if he's able to pedal without jerking side to side.  Too high = innefficient.

  8. your seat hight should be high enough that when your pedal is closest to the ground your leg should be almost straight.

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