
Is it more energy efficient to use a 2kw electric heater in one room, or a gas boiler that has 5 radiators?

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Is it more energy efficient to use a 2kw electric heater in one room, or a gas boiler that has 5 radiators?




  1. Although, electricity costs more than gas in most places, there are times of the year when you do not necessarily need to heat the entire home and spot heating can be more efficient because it only heats what is necessary.

    My 3-bdrm home has 1-pipe steam heat with 6 radiators.  In the spring and fall the boiler runs so seldom that it has to run longer to heat the water and pipes than steaming the radiators.  So I have been using 1 or 2 oil filled electric radiator heaters at half power during that time as needed.  I also adjust the blinds to get solar gain through the windows and heat rises.  So sometimes all I need is a single electric on main floor while the sun heats 2nd floor and turn the upstairs heater on low when I go to bed.  That only bumps my electric bill about $10.00/month.

    Once the electric heaters can't keep the temperature up, it is cold enough that the boiler stays hot between cycles and steams quickly and efficiently.  Works for me.

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