
Is it more environmentally responsible to burn paper or recycle it?

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I have a wood burning fireplace and am trying to figure out if it makes more sense to recycle the paper I have laying around (junk mail, newspapers, scrap, etc) or to burn it in the fireplace when I have a fire going?




  1. How about putting it into a compost bin with the vegetable peelings.

  2. The more I think about this, the more issues it throws up  - for example, the paper has dyes, inks & coatings which may be broken down when burning or could be emitted into the atmosphere as harmful pollutants.

    I can see you are saying you would be burning something anyway, so why not paper... Even using an electric fire usually involves burning something (let's ignore nuclear for the moment) - it's just that someone else burns the "something" on your behalf. However, pollution emissions at a power station are constantly monitored & strictly controlled.

    Generally speaking, if we are concerned with global warming we should be fixing carbon as much as possible and burning as little as possible.

    Use some scrap paper as kindling and recycle the rest.

  3. Burning paper is bad for the environment, because the chemicals in the paper end up in the smoke and pollute the air.  Wood is much better, because it doesn't have a lot of the chemicals that paper has.

  4. recycle is better than burning paper because you can increase global warming by burning

  5. Here's my two cents.

    It is nessasary to burn personal info, so scrap bank satements, old taxes etc.

    Junk mail doesn't burn nicely so recycle at the depo,it dosen't compost all that well.

    Black and white newsprint, use as fire start,  add to compost or use in the garden for weed control,and recycle the rest. Unless you have a log roller that turns newspapers into logs.

    the paper can burn hotter than normal wood and that of course is not fire safe.

    then in the spring plant a couple trees for pollution control and to give back for wood used (this of course does not have to be on your own property)

  6. burning doesn't do a lot for the environment, the most Eco- friendly way is to shred it and put it either in  with the garden compost or put it out for your recycle pickup.

  7. Recycling is better.  But there is nothing wrong with using wastepaper to start your fire.

  8. Recycle please!!!

    Recycled paper can be used for packing material.  17 trees are saved for every 1 ton saved.

  9. Recycle Yes.

    Burn No. Smoke pollutes the air and wastes paper.

  10. when you recycle the paper it stays in circulation, reducing the need for more trees being harvested. When you burn it, it gets taken out of the loop, so to speak, not to mention the harmful emissions that it can potentially produce.


  12. recucle, burning polluts the air

  13. if you go to centre for alternative technology you will find a paper log maker.. i use one of these you soak all the newspaper and put the mush into the log maker , dry them in the sun ( garage in my case ) and if you have an open fire , thay burn too fast in a closed fire you get about 20mins of heat per log .. thay used to do this years ago on farms ect. .. i recycle all my magazines and paper in winter .. i guess that as thay sell the log makers in all the "eco friendly shops" cant be too bad a thing to burn it in this way? they retail at about £20-£30 ive had mine about 6 years and its still going stong ..

  14. Recycling paper is more environmentally friendly.  By burning you are actually contributing to air pollution. Smoke releases all kinds of dangerous gases into the air. While it will not make a major impact, imagine if we all didn't burn how clean the air would be.

  15. When you need something to start a fire, it is fine to use a few old newspapers, but only black and white. Color ink and slicks release toxins into the air that are good for no one. However, don't do it too often, as it will build up residue that causes a fire hazard in your chimney.

    As for just burning them out in the yard to get rid of them..... please don't! It pollutes and is unsafe. Recyling is good.

  16. Recycle, Yes. Burn, No.

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