
Is it more important..........?

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that kids have things (name brand clothes, electronics, etc.) to be accepted by classmates or that their parents work less and spend more time with them?




  1. Of course it's always more important to be there and bond with your children. As long as the kids' clothes are clean and dont have any holes in them they shouldnt get hasselled that much by other kids anyway. At least i would hope not! And if later on brand names and electronics become more important to your child than spending time with you then they could get a part time job babysitting or delivering papers. =] When they're older and they look back on their childhood it will mean billions more if they can say, "my mom fixed me lunch everyday and read me a book every night" than "remember that cell phone you got me that I didnt like a month after you bought it because they had an ever cooler one out?" LOL

    Remember the friends that you want your kids to have in life are NOT the ones who base their relationships on what the other kid does or doesnt have.  =]

  2. no cuz if its your money then why dont you just take the money and spend all of it on you. besides you earned it so you can go shopping for yourself for once instead of having to worry if your children have clothes or not let your husband take care of the kids while you take a day off  and just shop for you..

  3. It is important that my son looks presentable when he goes to school, church, etc. It is most important that he has a great education. My son wears name brand shoes and I shop at Old Navy for the his clothes. I am not big on name brands. The clothes don't make me I make the clothes and that is what I teach my son..

  4. Work less and spend time with them. Buying them out, and leaving them with whomever can watch them isn't a stable upbringing, and usually causes problems. Not to mention all the disigner stuff will wind up putting them in debt as adults when they can't live without it, but can't afford to buy it either.

    At home with the kids is the best thing a parent can do.

  5. Not at all. It's important that you spend time with your kids, teach them strong values, and build their self esteem, then they won't need fancy clothes and the latest gadgets. You will have given them something far more valuable!

  6. why do you ask a question that you already know the answer to?

  7. It is more important for kids to spend time with their parents. When you grow up you will look back at your childhood and realize it didn't matter how popular you were, but the relaitonship you have with your parents will last forever. :)

  8. I think time with their parents. A few brand names is OK but I am trying to raise my daughters not to follow the crowd. If they like the clothes then fine but not be accepted by others, no way!

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