
Is it more likely for a man to cheat on his wife if his father did??

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my boyfreinds father cheated on his wife (my bf's mother) now in my opinion i think he wouldnt cheat on me cause he saw how much it hurt his mother but my dad thinks hes gonna b elike his dad. is it common for a man to do that when his father did the same? id really apprectiatte the help,, and be honest, its not gonna cause us to break up of course but id like to know the truth




  1. Your Father is just being a pain in the Azz already. Cant say for sure, if your doing your part of the relationship, and your Parents stay out of it, then there is a good chance he wont.

  2. First make sure the coin has two different sides, flip it and you still may not have a clue.  Things change, people change and you have control over one thing, you.

    Men will or they won't.  Women will or they won't.  Contrary to what some people believe there is not always something wrong or missing in the cheaters marriage, the cheater may sometimes be drawn to the difference.  One is not better or worse than the other...they are just different.

  3. omg ur going through the same sort of thing as me ! my bfs mum and dad have split up 4 times,his dad is also an alcoholic,and obv my bf has been dead upset he has changed loads and says he doesnt want to turn out like his father but recently has been disrespecting me so yeh i think they do still look up till there fathers  

  4. you're dad is wrong. The ignorance and stupidity of being unfaithful is not some genetic disease. It varies from man to man, woman to woman. Your bfs father cheated due to something being absent in the home, which is why all men or woman, cheat. They look for something they are not getting at home, could be physical, could be emotional. If you have a good line of communication between you, keep things fresh and exciting....and make sure all the qualities of a good marriage are present, you'll be ok. Just know, a marriage is WORK. On both parts, but i think even more so for the wife. good luck

  5. If he knew his father cheated and saw how bad it hurt his mom then hopefully he will not follow in his fathers footsteps.

    I say its unlikey he will do the same.

  6. much influence did his father have on him...?

    since his father cheated, is he the type to vow NOT to be like him?

    or, is he the type to stick up for his dad because of the reasons?  see, there is never a reason to cheat...

    I also think it depends on the generation.  This generation cheats more because of technology, not because their parents did.  You know your man better than us.  What do YOU think?

    if his mother stayed with his dad when he cheated, he may "lure" you into thinking you have to stay with him, too, and will manipulate you to do so...  so, really think...

    if his mother left his father, does your man stand by her to this very day?

    God Bless.


  7. Actually I have read someone where (can't remember) that men whose father's cheat are likely to do the same thing.  If you google infidelity statistics I think you will come up with all the percentages and stuff.

  8. I hope to answer your question but first i must say it is not stright forward. 1) If your BF came out of a good home where no-one cheated you then have a 50/50 chance of him not cheating. The number goes up if either one cheated. The apple doesnt fall far from the tree ..if you know what i mean. On the other hand if you really know you BF's "Relationship Style' (Search the internet to learn a lot more) you will be better equiped to understand him better. Please remember if he would cheat he WILL NEVER tell you that we would that's why you MUST learn his Relationship Style. Please research the internet based on that phrase. Good luck.


  9. it all depends i suppose, did your bf mother stay with his cheating father. if so then your bf might see that it is ok to do even if it hurts the other person. on the other hand he may not even consider it see how bad it hurt his mother. no matter what background people come from they either take the same road as their parents or do the opposite. every person makes their own choices in life.

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