
Is it more likely that there was one primitive language?

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or that various languages evolved simultaneously at distant locations? what might have been the characteristics of this language?




  1. Language evolved before the spoken word most likely.  Before Hominids evolved sweat glands (which meant no more panting) we likely used hand signals, grunts and other forms to communicate.

    In terms of a spoken language, there are a number of language roots.  Indo-European is one of the most dominant in Europe and the Indian Sub-continent.  

    But not all peoples even in Europe spoke those languages.  Etruscan is a non-Indo-European language for example; so it evolved in a different location than the others.

    Can't prove where these evolved, beyond a general area, since we are all nomadic hunter gathers at the time.

  2. the root of all European languages

  3. Before the tower of Babel, there was one language. Another perplexing question answered by the Bible.


    KrazyKyngeKorny(Krazy, not stupid)


  4. I think you are probably correct in that there was originally only one primitive language. Oddly perhaps, I think it is re-emerging along with other tribal instincts amongst a grouping of mainly young teenage (pubescent) males who can be easily identified by their strange ambling gate (probably a genetic effect inherited from their forefathers being injured in tribal battles), and the use of a strange distorted form of their normal current language involving lots of thrusting arm movements and grasping of their genitalia.

    Their appears to be a genetic fault with the shape of their hips also as they seem to have considerable difficulty in keeping their trousers up. The result being that they are constantly exposing their underpants.

    They appear to have a problem also with their ears being exposed to the elements, so they will often cover their heads with some form of hood.

    This seemingly instinctive behaviour appears to be of a fairly universal nature and not specific to any one particular ethnic grouping. Although it is mainly evident amongst males, a female counterpart can also be observed from time to time. They are a little more difficult to identify, but will often be seen exposing their abdominal area's as well as the tops of their underpants.

    A typical example of their primitive language might be something like: "So yu wanna aks me summit den man, init?!"

  5. It is rather unlikely that language sprung up suddenly in the last 100,000 years.  Neanderthals have a well developed hyoid bone and that is a very strong hint that the ability to speak goes back at least to 500,000 years of the common ancestor of the two.   Humans can speak and integrate several languages.  It is part of how we think.  That would make it very likely that there never was a single language but many different languages developed over thousands of years many hundreds of thousands of years ago, at least.

  6. That one primitive language is called by modern scholars, "Proto - Indo - European".  It hailed from people in an area north east of the Black Sea about 5000 years ago.  Sanskrit emerged from that proto - language about 3700 years ago.

    Here's a fairly good language tree: (click on image when this opens to enlarge)

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