
Is it more logical to drink and drive or get high and drive?

by  |  earlier

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Obviously it is not logical to do either but if forced to decide which would be more likely to distract you in a traffic accident.




  1. Nether! You can still get arrested for driving under the influence of drugs. A distraction is determintal in driving no matter what source of empairment may be.

  2. Well, above all else, neither, but if I had to drive messed up, I'd rather be stoned then drunk, for many reasons. First of all, you don't get the 'spins' when you are stoned, and being high doesn't mess up your sight perception to badly (usually its just from dry eyes, anyway). Secondly, pot makes a person more relaxed, so you aren't necessarily freaking out the whole time driving, as is more likely when you're drunk.

    So I guess my answer to this is alcohol makes you more distracted.

  3. Definately drinking and driving is worse than smoking..drinking gets you drunk, unconscientious and can even make you black out..

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