
Is it most unwise to marry into Royalty ?

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Hi Folks,

The history books are littered with disasterous relationships.

I need not go into a list, I'm sure you are aware of many examples.

Marry the bloke or girl next door, all is usually well.

Marry into Royalty, and it is likely to end in tears.

Any notions ?





  1. Royalty all the way baby!! I'd rather cry all the way to the bank than laugh in squalor.

  2. Its always good to have fresh genetics...those royals are TOO closely bred!

  3. It is if you're not white!

    You'd most likely end up dead in a car wreck or something along with the object of your desires (this being the price of treachery) before you could tie the knot :oP

    And if you're suitably white you could improve your chances of survival by going bisexual so they could all have a dig at you as the mood takes them. It's all to do with homogenising the gene pool.

    Though on the bright side you'd be paid with a little crew of similarly amenable "staff" to play around with. You just have to hope none of them do a kiss and tell job of you in some sleazy Sunday tabloid.

    The Royals.

    If it weren't for the scandal and the sleaze they'd have no entertainment value at all...

  4. They need new blood due to all the inbreeding over the years,seeing any of the royals always reminds me of the movie Deliverence

  5. Not really. It all depends on your partner. This can also happen in non royal families.

  6. that is probably true. More ideals to uphold does cause problems.

  7. Well, I guess it all comes down to two choices: Marry the one you love, or don't. I'm sure the royals have loads of regulations when a royalty marries a commoner. But I don't think not ALL royality marriages break down. But as far as the media goes, the commoner would be famous and swarmed with the media and paparazi, so I'm guessing that's a real pain!

    So far Princess Mary is doing alright with her marriage..... how long will that happy marriage last, evn i wouldn't know.

  8. After what happened to Princess Diana or what didnt happen as far as anyone can tell-we will never know the truth-I would not marry into that particular family or its bloodline!

  9. Most definitely not, they are the most self obsessed & deeply unattractive people you could meet with no idea of the real world  

  10. marry who u love. no matter who they are. that history book thing is a buncha bs. royalty can b hot

  11. why the queen of England is married? But don't worry they only marry cousins, you dont stand a chance.Or distant cousins! They have to keep all that money in the family.

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