
Is it mostly Democrats and Liberals on Y/A that have their profile page on private?

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Is it mostly Democrats and Liberals on Y/A that have their profile page on private?




  1. What does being Democrats and Liberals has to do with a user's wish to keep his/her profile private? Is that a bad thing? Lat time I check, most of us like our privacy, unless of course you want to broadcast your activity to everybody, or living in China in which case its understandable why you dont like privacy.


  2. nope its mostly people who don't want trolls following them and reporting everything they say

  3. They cannot be any more numerous than conservatives. I especially get a kick out the cowardly neocons that send emails, but have their own email blocked.

    I guess being a chickenhawk just comes naturally to them.

  4. My kneejerk reaction was to say that it would come closer to conforming to my own theories about conservatives being more aggressive and stubborn while liberals seem to be more openminded yet not as argumentative.

    However, upon rethinking, I'll have to agree with what someone else said; it probably has more to do with personal preference, or like me, got tired of hate mail everytime someone disagreed with something that I said. lol

  5. When I hear neo-cons talk about 'democrats and liberals' it always makes me think of some sweaty, fat, balding, southern white guy talking about 'coloreds and foreigners'.

  6. Mine is open for anyone to view, always has been.

  7. Nope. I find the opposite to be more true. Liberal Democrats have their pages open to the public to view their profiles and/or email while the Conservative Republicans set their accounts to private. IF anyone on either side has set their account to private, it's most likely because they've been harassed by someone from the opposition.

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