
Is it much easier to get a work permit and residence permit for Germany if you speak German?

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I know it will make things easier once in germany, but will it help you of being accepted for the permits?

Also, are there any sites with good information on moving to germany, from a non-EU country?




  1. if you are applying the permit in german, of course it will give you good impression if they know you can speak german.

    But the main consideration is, that you have the skill needed by the company you are applying to.

  2. Speaking German will help you during the process as you will not need a translator.  It will also help you when searching for jobs (if you don't already have one line up).

    But speaking German will not make it easier to get a work permit or residency permit.  Only a few things will make that easier:

    (1)  Married to a German national.

    (2)  Being a part of the US forces and requesting a "European out".  Must show proof of employment to really get that approved.

    (3)  Having a job with a German company in Germany.

    (4)  Having a residence already established and a meldebescheinigung with the town that you are living in (this just states that you have reported to the town you are living in. It does not make you a resident or imply any legal rights in Germany).

    I wish you good luck on your journey.  Not having any of the above will not put you in a hard spot when applying, just make sure you are patient and polite.  Also, make sure you start your paperwork as soon as you can.  Don't wait until you Visa is about to expire, as this process can take some time.

  3. Yes, it helps.  I lived there for 10 years, and was always treated nicer than the people who could hardly speak German.

  4. Language always helps!  Germany is part of the EU!  Jobs are not so easy to find.  If you say you want to work in Germany, they might not grant you an Aufenhultablubness!

    Permission to stay past VISA days. and no work permit. Too. with the reduction of Forces by the US Military, in Germany, many bases are closing and that means more Germans out of work!

    You might want to ask the Germany Embassy near you before you make the trip!

    US citizen with over 36 years in Heidelberg Germany.

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