
Is it my Mirena IUD thats making my cervix tender?

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Is it Mirena that's making my cervix so tender?

I have noticed about mid cycle, my cervix is VERY tender and sore when hubby and i.. baby dance. (no were not trying)

I have had my iud in for 2 and a half years now. I had it put in at my 6 week postpartum from my second child.(both vaginal births, big boys, 8# and 10 #) The strings are short and curled. My cycles are kind of funny from it, but tolerable.

Also, i was wondering if anyone else gets uterine and cervical cramps from the darn thing like i do. I was driving one day, and just from sitting got stabbing pains in my lower abdomen from it. Had to pull over and stretch. Sometimes, it feels like its trying to come out. I check manually, and nothing feels out of place. What the heck is going on?

The doc always says its in the right place. I have been contimplating having it removed, but this has been the least invasive birth control i have used- no weight gain, light periods, etc, and i dont have any pills to forget about lol. I have been bloating alot more in the last few months, come to think of it. Sometimes i look like im second trimester!

Anyone have a Mirena IUD story to share? Thanks, i appreciate it




  1. oh the mirena...

    I would say that any of the discomforts and pains you mentioned are from the mirena. I had it for about 2 and a half months... it was TERRIBLE I had sharp stabbing pains in my abdomen and back on my right side...that would also shoot down my right leg. I had headaches and mood swings like you wouldn't believe. I hated every second that i had it. I got it removed and now i see how normal i feel without it. I would never get it again. lol. (i know so negative)

    I guess my body didn't take it well.. some women have no problems from it.. i just had a terrible experience from it. If you are feeling like something isnt right with it... go get it checked out. But like i said the symptoms you are having are most likley the mirena.  

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