
Is it my cables...i really need to know?

by Guest66839  |  earlier

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ok im using reg. rca cables and i can hear the music comein out of my speaker but its very soft...and all i can really hear is static...i just want to know if i really need to get the digital cable...cause on the back of my tv it says coax(digital audio out) so do i need to get a digital cable...and on the back of my system it just aux in...if u can any help will be helpful...thanks in advance




  1. Sounds like you're connecting the TV's digital Coax output to your amp's Analog audio input....

    You can't do it  that way....

    You either connect the ORANGE Digital Coax from your TV set to your Dolby Amp's ORANGE Digital coax input and try all your inputs on the amp to find it.

    OR you use the RCA red/white connections on your TV set to your Amp's AUX in.....

    That's why  they color-code the connections......

  2. aux. in is an analog signal. You should not plug a digital signal into an analog input. It will sound bad and could hurt your equipment. If your receiver has a digital input, use that. Your TV should also have analog outputs, Left & Right. These could be plugged into left and right inputs on your system. A digital signal sounds like static noise, when played through an analog input. It can only be decoded into sound through a digital input. On normal short cable runs, audio cables work as well as "digital"cables, (Provided they are plugged in to proper digital connectors) they just cost less.  


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