
Is it my fault? Will I lose my deposit?

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I am renting my flat and when I moved in the bathroom had just been decorated. The paint on the walls in now all cracking off, it's really quite bad. During the winter I didn't open the windows when I was having a bath/shower because it was too cold. Is this the reason why the paint has cracked? There is absolutley no mould on the walls. Will I loose some of my deposit for this or do you think they used the wrong type of paint?




  1. It is on your landlord.  He need to better ventilate the bathroom.  It has nothing to do with the paint.  Call him right away and complain.  This is NOT your fault.

  2. No it is not your fault, unless you scraped off the paint off the wall yourself. You can complain to the landlord about the pealing paint and get it repainted.

  3. wrong type of paint

  4.   Rental units are maintained at the cheapest cost.  There should be a fan or you could even leave the bathroom door open.  The paint they used was probably not a good one for a washroom (more than likely ceiling paint, the cheapest junk there is).  If you are worried about your deposit, get some good paint and paint the bathroom yourself.  Make sure you keep the receipt for the paint, they may refund you that amount.  If you want to know what type of paint they used just rub your finger on it.  If it feels dry, it's ceiling paint.  If it is smooth and washable it is good quality.

  5. It would be ridiculous for you to lose deposit here if you were there for a short time. 3+ years or more and it's wear and tear. 2+ years, and you need to give it up,sh*t happens.

  6. You did not do anything wrong.  Nobody opens a window during winter.  Your deposit should be intact.  Just go to your landlord and report about the paint in your bathroom.

  7. It sounds like they used cheap paint and did a bad job.  It's definitely not your fault.  You shouldn't lose your deposit, but I would suggest talking to the landlord about it to make sure that they understand that it's not your fault.

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