
Is it my fault he couldn't get hard?

by Guest33098  |  earlier

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First of all, please don't lecture me on drinking and what not, that is not my question.

Anyways, I was a little drunk when a guy who was pretty sober, maybe buzzed, pulled me on my lap. We were just kissing and one thing led to another.. anyways he wasn't completely hard. We are both 18, this shouldn't be happening, right?




  1. what a foul question that opposes the answerers

  2. nothing wrong with him,you're probably ugly

  3. What happens with a guy is a guy thing.  IF he isn't into you, that is his condition.  IF his mindset is not into the situation, it is because of him.

    Sure, the girl could say something, (like, you remind me of my brother) and that could get him out of the mood.  Mood is still under his control.

  4. He was probably turned off by  you being impaired or your appearance and personality.

    Or he just wanted to "test" you and found out you failed the test.

  5. well.........??

    it isnt illegal to have s*x while ur underage

    but u do need protection

  6. alcohol kills erections maybe he was drunker then you thought

  7. He wasn't into you I guess. No offense here, but I seem to have noticed that non-drunk guys aren't too turned on with drunk girls.

  8. That sucks for you, but if you were making out with him and sitting on his lap he should have had a stiffy. If he wasn't turned on by you he would'nt have nailed you.

  9. he probably wasn't interested in you

  10. Dont worry about it

    Some people dont get hard if they are really nervous about it or excited.


  11. no,no,no those answers suck..multiple factors ..yes possibly the alcohol..tgats all i say on that...some guys cant relax enough until they actually get to know nthe girl better..yes its can be a comfort thing....the head game sometimes overides the dong game...also possibly he was feeling guilty..or has a relationshuip already..and couldnt let himself relax be ..fully at attention.once again the head has to be into it...also the environment can play a factor...depending if were able to totally if you were at a party ina closet..or bathroom or someones bedroom with music and all that goin on...extrinsic factors are a important one..also maybe enot a enough foreplay..petting..or ...more lip service ..until he is a absolute for me....didi he call u back..didi you hit it off...if it was a obvious...wham-bam....then i wouldnt worry if you dont ever see him again...if you do ..and you get along.,,the more time you spoend,.,together,,and more intimate transgressions (lol)..u have together,.,it can only get better.,,so options..keep makes perfect...more lip service..or foreplay..until rock hard...or a relaxing..calm environment..or make sure he is not thinking about his guilty feeling if he has a woman.,elsewhere,,,,,otherwise,,,,dont sweat it.....

  12. Well, a lot of guys don't  just get hard right away, for instance I'm not at my hardest until right before o****m (in this type of situation, if its with someone I know and have real feelings for, its much different), but chances are, it is NOT your fault. =]

    I'm thinking that more than likely, his mind was on something else (yeah, I know, "Uh, what??", right?), or he was a little nervous, it happens to the best of us occasionally. So don't worry, I really doubt its your fault, if he pulled you into his lap, he wanted you, but all didn't go as planned. =/

  13. lol he prob was but its just so little !!!!!  

  14. if he has ADD or ADHD it can mess with his focus and that can be a problem.

    whatever you do, dont talk about it,, men dont talk about things, especially that. if you ask him if he wants to talk about it he's gonna be ticked off.

  15. he probly wasnt expecting you and jacked to much that day\\

  16. Maybe you weighed to much& kept it smashed down!!! Will power,too I have done it before .

  17. No, and he probably is really embarrassed he couldn't!

  18. if  the feelings  weren't  just right  . it  can happen  to any one.. don't sweat  it.. there  is  no  problem. He may have felt guilt (maybe  has a girl friend)  or  maybe  he just wasn't ready.  There  are a million reasons, its  perfectly  normal..

  19. Maybe he'd taken something?

    So his mind might of been somewhere else and only half on what he was doing?

    Idk. He's wierd.  

  20. it's not you're fault, if he couldn't get it up it was probably just a personal problem. Some times it just, doesn't go up.

  21. matbe he can control his p***s? like thinking of a gross pic?

  22. I would say there's probably nothing wrong with him.  He could have been nervous.  Also, some people can only achieve an erection during intimate encounter.  This was at a party, so there may have been too much going on.

    Also, it doesn't mean that he wasn't attracted to you.

  23. Not your fault at all

    Guys who cant get erections suck. lol.

    That shouldn't have happened...

    Gods way of saying "nuh-uh"

  24. it could happen, and it isn't your fault. guys don't get fully hard until after they do it for a little while.

  25. he was way too buzzed--drunk to the point that you sitting on him and kissing did nothing to him--no erection but it is not you it was his state of mind--drunk and acting stupid or silly->pc any other day he would have been all over you so relax it was him

  26. Alcohol affects the p***s's ability to trap blood within it. Thus the erection can sometimes be short lived or less than it's normal hardness. Alcohol also greatly diminishes the sensitivity of the p***s. Thus triggering an erection or an o****m may be more difficult to achieve.Most 18 year old men are in their sexual prime and erectile dysfunction is rare.  

  27. Umm...usually guys get hard if a girl sis on their lap and starts making out with them..maybe he jacked off right before? =P

  28. No it happens all the time, and no it is not your fault. Its happened to me before when i was at partys and so much is going on it is hard to focus. Dont let it get you down

  29. Can't say I have ever had this problem. He could just not be into you. Stress could cause him not to be able to get an erection though, and if you were all on him to much that could have stressed him a bit. Otherwise, i have no idea.

  30. yeah you couldnt do it for him

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