
Is it my fault my son is failing?

by Guest33950  |  earlier

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my son is in first grade and makes A's and B's in everything but spelling he has an F. Is it my fault cause i don't take the time to help him learn his spelling words more?

Me and his dad both work full time and i have a 8 month old that takes alot of my time.

I literally dont have the time or energy after working, the baby, dinner, and then bed to help him.

Does that mean it's my fault? How can I fix this?




  1. Well, I guess he will fail if the parents cant make 20 minutes out of a 12 hour day for their child to do well in school.

    It's not that hard to sit at your desk or on the couch and read words or test him.

    I do it daily.

  2. Well considering he is in first grade, I cant imagine he has a TON of words to do. Maybe just remind him to study spelling for five or ten minutes. Reward him for studying, rather than punishing him for failing. Soon he will learn to study to be rewarded in attention, or however you choose to reward him. And then he wont fail.

  3. Well, kinda. You should take some time to study with him.

  4. You CHOSE to have two children.  That isn't your son's fault.  Yet he is the one who is failing in spelling.  Quite complaining, you put yourself where you are, your son didn't. I suggest you start making time and start getting the energy to help him.

  5. Well I am sure you could find a few minutes at some point to go over those words with him since he is having problems with it.

  6. wow.......u HAVE TIME TO BE USING internet then NO "TIME" WITH UR SON..



    or otherwise look for someone to teach him...

    cz if u don't START NOW CHAGING UR WAY HOW TO RACE HIM.............i hope later u won't regret...........NOT GIVING TIME FOR HIM.....and u waste ur time sitting using ur internet.....i hope when u get old....he won't throw u out in the SENIOR housing and not make time for u.......

    also if u cannot handle having TWO kids stop making more.........

  7. I have this same problem with my son.  I don't know that I really have a good answer for you, but it was kind of nice to see that I'm not the only one with this problem.  My son is 11, and he just cannot spell.  Although he is very smart and gets A's in all his other classes.  One thing that has helped us is having him write the words 5 times each every day.  He doesn't like it, but he does do better on his tests if he does this.  And don't worry.  It isn't your fault.  I kind of felt that way at first too.  I have a daughter who is 15, and I never had to help her with spelling.  So when my son was struggling I felt like it was my fault for not helping him more.  Some people just have trouble with spelling.  (Luckily there is spell check!)  If your son is having other trouble especially with reading, then you might want to talk to the teacher.  But don't feel like it is your fault.  Just have him sit at the table and write the words while you are fixing dinner.

  8. If youre in the car with him, go over them instead of turning on the radio or anything, ask him to spell them orally. Or when youre preparing dinner have him sit at the table and just tell him to spell things or write things and then check over it later.

  9. hmmmm.....i'm assuming that his NOT totally interested of doing spelling (not his best interest at all).

    my advise make things LITTLE to exciting for him....maybe play games w/him......if your worrying that u have a small child...well include that child some BIG letters in the store.......put everything on the floor.......then as him to spell some words for u.....then if he got it RIGHT....rewards him (not too big cz later he'll might ask for much bigger award).

    to be honest as a SINGLE mom...i don't have time for my son to teach if i have that time....i make it more exciting for him as well as to me too........i always play w/him a superman games........i lay down in the sofas while him on the top of my legs......then i will ask him to spell a words for me.......then if he got it right.....i will race my legs in the air and while at the same time i'm lifting him too........(i think its good for me cz i'm exercising while his learning) yes its make u tried but its its always best to PRAISE him all the times that his good on something..........believed it or not? i always put on my sons head that his smart (esp in math) since he was much younger (his 7yrs old now) now he is really good on it (he got math awards) now his under gifted program which will benefit him a lot.

    also ask your son to write down the spelling 10-15x until he memorized it esp the words that his having hard time spelling it...........maybe used different colors in each words like

    pre his to ric......every words put different colors like red on PRE /orange on HIS/ blue on TO/ pink on RIC.

    good luck

  10. There will typically be a subject that a person will struggle with because no one is good at everything. Because of this, it may not be your fault. However, no matter how much you have to do, you do have time; you just have to make it. Sit down for ten minutes every day, say each word on the spelling list, and have your son spell them aloud and written. My mom would do that when I was little and I never missed anything on the tests. I'm sure that this will be the same with your son. Good luck!

  11. Have him do training on the computer every day.  Maybe have him do 30 min a night.  There is a great website called that is a very interactive method to teach kids how to read and write.

  12. you've got to make time. cut back on your work hours to help your children. It's draining your from your priority responsibility. Tell hubby he's going to need to step up and take financial responsibility while you raise the kids. You can do it!!!

  13. Do it while you're cooking dinner, or while he's taking a bath... kids can multi-task, too.

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