
Is it my imagination or is this generation of children unruly?

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I went to a restaurant yesterday and the majority of the children there were noisy, running around the aisles and even throwing chewing gum up on the ceiling. My parents would have never tolerated that kind of behavior from me & my sibling's as young children. And no, this was not in the ghetto but in a middle class area. What's with young parents today???????




  1. they think freedom gives kids do i say the kids saying"My Dad Is Cool Hes Lets Me Do Anything"   while the other kid is like "Man I Wish I Had Your Dad My Dad Is Strict"    thats how i think its about

  2. They think all you need to do is 'love' your child and everything else will be OK. Society lets them believe this

  3. Isn't it sad? I know what your saying. The young today just don't have time to raise their children properly. Both parents usually work and someone else is left to raise the children. With all the laws today to protect the children, parents are afraid to discipline a child in fear they will be arrested for abuse. If you ask me a good swift slap on the butt never killed anyone.  

  4. I've noticed it too but my kid is totally...ruly. lol. He's far from unruly. I don't believe in hitting but if he ever did anything that disrespectful and KEPT DOING IT he would definitely get a good slap on the behind.

  5. the kids are growing up with the parents. When we grew up in the 70s most parents were established(regardless of financial situation). Adults had their act together, knew who they were and what their roles were(no matter if it was a single family home or both parents involved). parents give children so many choices today so kids know nothing ids truly set in stone. Anything goes!

  6. My daughter is only 16 months old, but rest assured, if she ever behaved like that in a restaurant, first of all I would die of mortification (and anger!).  Second of all, I would simply not allow it.  Noisy is hard to control, but throwing things and running in the aisles?  No way.  

    I'm not sure how I would handle it though, if she did.  Leaving the restaurant is more of a punishment for the parents than the child.  

  7. its because back when we were kids, our parents were able to get away with spanking us or smacking our hands, if need be the case, and not fear going to jail. Now, if parents try to disipline their kids, the kids threaten them that they will call the cops on their parents, etc. I understand there is a difference between disipline and abuse, but it seems there no longer is a line.  

  8. Don't know what to tell you, but I can assure you that my children are not allowed to behave like that in a restaurant.  It seems to me that a lot of parents today just accept that this is the way children act and don't see the need to try to curtail the behavior.  Unfortunately, it doesn't make for a very pleasant dining experience for everyone else.  

  9. Paladin is right.  Every previous generation thinks the next is going right down the plumbing.  No offense, but your question brought to mind an old, grumpy man sitting in a rocking chair and starting a rant with, "Back in my day..."  =)

    Most of us are still good parents who teach out children respect.  Of course there are the occasional lax parents who let their kids get away with murder, but those have existed since the beginning of time.

    *ETA* LOL!  Well I must say, Grandma's 100 - year - old rocker is quite comfortable.  I'll sell it to you cheap.  =)

  10. people have been saying that about the younger generation for thousands of years

    The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

    ~SOCRATES (469–399 B.C.)

    ***Wow, I never expected Socrates to get a thumbs down

  11. As I was growing up, this was prevalent as well. There were always the unruly children. My parents would not tolerate such things either, but we just need to count ourselves as lucky. It certainly does seem as if it is happening more these days, but I am not going to blame young parents. Any parent that allows this, as I have seen 40 year old mothers and fathers allow such behavior in public, is the problem. But it has always been around.  

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