
Is it natural???? :S?

by  |  earlier

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hey guys is it natural to get an errection while making out, i dunno, my gf hasnt sed anythin about it so she seems cool with it, but still makes me feel kinda weird if im holdin her close while making out, knowing that im poking her lol, but seriuosly




  1. yeah dude that always happens to me, but on the plus side it can lead to other things lol

  2. Lol its a little awkward but its a compliment in a way lol

  3. lol yeah its natural. it means all the blood is rushing to ur p***s!  

  4. ha ha SO normal!

    what guy doesn't! ha..

    some guys get an erection when they look at a girl!  

  5. Dude, it would be unnatural if you didn't get hard!! Of course it is normal! Don't they teach about erections in school anymore?

    Trust me girls like the hard c**k. It is a turn on for us. Kind of like an affirmation!

    Have fun!!

  6. more normal than most things that happen in a relationship. If you don't get one you might have to wonder if your attracted to them. Super normal bro don't worry

  7. i'd be flattered i guess. lol a little awkward if you poke us but otherwise we don't really care


  9. oh yes. it's VERY natural. i've been dating my boyfriend for 6 months. we're very comfortable with each other and have made love many times.

    and still... he gets an erection every single time we make out.
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