The reason why i ask this question is. I just started working at my first fast food restaurant. And it turns out to be just BURGER KING. So with everything happening all at once here at my house my uncle dying, and I starting this new job, and trying to take over with bills and stuff. I already dont' get in get
sprits with the managers, especially the G.M. I found out she's a Bi Sexual woman and she has the funkiest additudes at times. Since I been there, the 3 female managers can be cool, But the G.M. for the past month has been harassing me and having the audacity to manipulate me and tell me that since I've been there working 30 days that there are workers that got hired after me that are doing WAY BETTER job then me. And it made me feel lik I'm being discriminated against. Tell me..Are genereal managers aloud to manipulate and put there own employees on spot??