
Is it natural for General Managers to be so MEAN TO THERE EMPLOYEES?

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The reason why i ask this question is. I just started working at my first fast food restaurant. And it turns out to be just BURGER KING. So with everything happening all at once here at my house my uncle dying, and I starting this new job, and trying to take over with bills and stuff. I already dont' get in get

sprits with the managers, especially the G.M. I found out she's a Bi Sexual woman and she has the funkiest additudes at times. Since I been there, the 3 female managers can be cool, But the G.M. for the past month has been harassing me and having the audacity to manipulate me and tell me that since I've been there working 30 days that there are workers that got hired after me that are doing WAY BETTER job then me. And it made me feel lik I'm being discriminated against. Tell me..Are genereal managers aloud to manipulate and put there own employees on spot??




  1. It is really unfair of that gm to treat you like that. Can you talk to the other managers? In my last job, the store manager was a jerk and told me that i wasn't allowed to have a particular morning off to do an A-level exam, not a mock but the real thing, because it was the induction morning. I quit shortly after that because of family reasons and the fact that he took me into the office and accused me of arguing with customers and said i was doing loads of stuff wrong so the next morning i handed in my letter of resignation. I hope things improve for you. I suggest you talk to the managers about it and if they don't listen go above the gm if you can. Basically she shouldn't be doing this. If nothing helps, confront her and threaten to leave. I'm sure you probably don't want to leave but it might make her change her ways towards you. I hope this helps in some way!!!

  2. They have no lives.

  3. The question is are you good at the job.

    If you are, apply at Mc D's and p**s on that stupid (insert vulgar term here)

  4. nope, they're not allowed to.

    perhaps if you have proof / witnesses (preferably more than 1 person), you can file a complain to your manager's superior

  5. I was a manager; mean did not work!  Only created resentment.  Talking to; helping; and explaining work methods; would teach and creat appreciation!!

  6. ya skrew everyone!

  7. They are not supposed to do that.  They should understand your situation and that you have not been there long and don't know that much yet.  If you're in a labor union you should report the G.M. to them.  If not than say something to their superiors or just quit and get another job.

  8. well no i dont think that they have the right to harrass you

    if you are doing your job properly..they really shouldnt have anything negative to say to you.

    its easy to say maybe we are being discriminated against but alot of the times we have to take a look at ourselves

    and make sure we are doing what we are suppose to do

    and its ok to ask your manager if you can talk to them and be respectful when talking to your manager...ths is work

    you say you have been through some other things too

    so that could maybe have you on edge and everything may just bother you more then normal

    if you are keeping in mind this person is bisexual maybe  that is playing a big role in the way you are feeling too

    good luck and disassociate yourself with the fact that you may be of a diffrent race and be everything you can be

    there are alot of stereotypes out there and you dont want to fit in that stuff ok

  9. I don't understand how you're being discriminated against...  The manager said that others are progressing faster than you are... what is wrong with stating a fact?

    You said she is bi-sexual, why is that even relevant?  It seems like you're the one looking for excuses for your poor performance.

  10. well i don't know if there are any laws against it. but GM's are just *** holes. they sometimes do discriminate tho. just ignore her, she can't ruin your life unless you let her

  11. I wouldn't jump to conclusions about being "discriminated" against. However, it is clear the GM has poor leadership/management skills. She should speak with you about your performance in a manner that doesn't put you down. That's not right and she can't expect moral to be very good if she treats people that way. I would ask her specifically what you need to do to improve so that you can meet expectations. Make the changes and then follow up with her to get feedback on your performance. She should be impressed that you are being proactive and care about your job performance. Bottom should find out what specific improvements you need to make and not assume that you are being victimized.  Every job always has at least one pain in the (you know what), but you can make the best of it by showing her you are serious about your job and want to give it your best!

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