
Is it natural for men to dominate?

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emotions are a weakness. and women have plenty of them. then again, men can't see too far into the future (which would explain why the Earth is getting ready to explode due to all these machines) and can only see what's directly in front of them.




  1. If you study the nature, every animal is beeing dominated by the females, it is the culture that has made men dominating over the women in society, even in human, when it comes to affairs or intimistic relations, women are dominating the men.

  2. Which planet are you from? Venus?

  3. 'Men can't see too far into the future'?  Compared to whom, women?  Because women are known for being great planners right?>> Like getting pregnant at 16. Chasing fame moving to LA ultimately to become drug addicted prostitutes. Staying in relationships with future murderers. Their notoriously bad planning for retirement.  <<     Yeah, It's obvious I don't see your point at all.

  4. No, I think it's just a psychological thing for some guys who feel the need to dominate,  but they try to pass it off as being natural and part of nature.  Well, I've got news - it's NOT nature - it is society and nurture.   Emotions are certainly NOT a "weakness" as you say.    I don't know what IDIOT put a falsehood into your head, but it's not going to do anything for you but help to structure a series of misconceptions about the sexes.  If your father taught you that emotions are a weakness, then you owe your daddy a smack in the head.  I can only hope that you realize you are wrong about that, and don't pass on those beliefs to any kids you might have, because it's simply not true.

    Look it up and study it if you don't want to take my word for it.

    It's the truth.  It is what it is.

  5. No, all of those are untested cultural assumptions about men and women - and negative gender stereotypes do no-one any favours :-)

  6. Yes.  Why do you think its been like that for thousands of years.  We need to learn to work together, not try to prove whos better and whos going to rule.  The gender battle will ultimately backfire because its creating an us. vs. them mentality between men and women and will only divide us.  How are we getting any better if we just let someone else dominate? Ive heard things like "its their turn now", which is the most ignorant thing Ive ever heard! So what, Its time for the young men of America to pay for things that sexist hateful men that are now 80 did 50 years ago.  We've gotten nowhere if thats how we view things because thats not equality whatsoever.

  7. I think it is more natural for men to dominate yes, how else can you explain the fact that all societies in the world are, and always have been, male-dominated?  Patriarchy is universal.  That is not to say that all men are dominant, or that women can't be dominant, but statistically men have a greater tendency towards dominant behaviour than women do.

    I do not think the world is going to explode any time soon.  Technology has given us many benefits, and life is a good deal more comfortable for us than it was for our ancestors.  I have absolutely no desire to have to do the washing by hand for instance, or to spend hours every day spinning, or do any of the other time-consuming jobs that filled women's days before the advent of modern technology.

  8. is it natural for men to dominate?

                answer= no it is not,but they do,they are supposed to be fair.

                  take care.

  9. if it is happening 99% of the time its natural....not seeing far into the play chess women don't. don't like the machines? put down your computer and clothes and live in a cave!

    Elanor quotes theorys that she has read, thats it.

  10. Emotions are not a weakness. Thoughts control (dominate) emotions, but that doesn't mean that thoughts are "better" than emotions. Dominance is also not better than submission, but I think it's possible that women will dominate men in the future.

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