
Is it natural for willow trees to shed leaves all summer long?

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I have what I believe is Austree willow trees and they are so dirty. The worst to me is that all summer long they make my yard look like it fall with all the leaves they shed. Also when the wind blows they trim them selves all over my yard. I get real tired of picking up limbs (some being very large) and cleaning up leaves.




  1. Willows tend to me rather messy.  They are not programed for long slow, strong growth.  Their fast growth rate leaves them rather prone to wind damage, snow damage, etc.  Also they are not real good about tolerate much injury.  Their rapid growth is a perfect invitation to aphids and other sucking insects which will feed on the leaves causing premature leaf death as well as the "stickies" underneath.  

    For their intended use, wind break, erosion control (their root system is shallow and rampant), they are good, but don't plant near a building where the constantly falling stuff can damage the house, clog gutters.  

    They should not be the major long term tree for your landscape, but rather a temporary shelter until better, stronger trees can take over.  That's the way Nature does it, willows are the first trees to grow, providing protection for the stronger harder woods to follow.

  2. Aus trees are horrible.  they have a pretty high chance of developing a tree disease called canker.  there is pretty much nothing you can do for this!  i causes the tree to die limb by limb untill there is nothing left... sorry for the bad news!

  3. God I hope not, I just planted 8 of them

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