
Is it natural to worry more about loved ones as they get older?

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Is it natural to worry more about loved ones as they get older?




  1. Sure it is natural. We equate old age with death...therefore you start worrying about a person when they start to age.

  2. I would say definately since I worry about my parents getting older...what's going to happen to them, am I going to take care of them properly. I'm blessed that they are still doing well and working full time. But yes, I do think about it and worry about it.  

  3. I suppose it is. its only natural.

  4. That is natural.  When they are young we have them at home and have control over them with not to much worry.  When they grow, go to college become adults they are pretty much out of our control.  We do worry more about them because we don't have the control that we had.  We just have to hope that we did the best we could when we had them and that they are mature, moral people and will make the right decisions.  Decisions that we cannot make for them anymore.

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