
Is it neceesary to have a relation between a man &woman?

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Is it neceesary to have a relation between a man &woman?




  1. Without relation, next generation wont be existing.

  2. What kind of a relation are you talking about? It could be Mother-Son relation, it could be a brother-sister relation.

  3. A loving, respectful, mature relationship is necessary for a strong, successful marriage.

    Treat her as you would your own body, cherish her, nourish her mind, body, and soul.

    Men who respect and honor their wives have the happiest marriages.

  4. Love is an amazing thing and it's a hard thing to tell your heart how to feel. Now I completely feel that we are here for men and woman to fall in love, have children and enjoy life starting the cycle all over again. However, that's my opinion. If you feel love from a certain man or woman and both of you feel this way, then do what makes you happy. Your personal happiness is all that matters in life, because no one can live your life for you.  

  5. its counts do u luv each other?  <3

  6. Brother, earlier it was thought in INDIA but now since more and more people are adopting western culture, INDIANS are getting used to it and shall totally adopt such culture in coming years with the new generation youths taking the flag.

    Earlier it was called that either they both must have a relationship or else they are totally strangers but not now, thoughts are changing andf people are ready to accept that even if both man & woman dont have a relationship they can still be with each other.....

    So, in short, ur answer depend upon the generation thoughts only and both of them are correct on there thoughts.

  7. No, its not necessary. Find someone that loves you and treats you right.  

  8. yes ufcorse

  9. It seems pretty necessary to me.

  10. yeh, it is neccessary .

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