
Is it necesarry for children to do housework? (why?/why not?)

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Is it necesarry for children to do housework? (why?/why not?)




  1. Yes.

    Now I don't believe in having your children doin ALL housework but doing alittle is great because when they grow up their house will be clean and they'll know how to do it!

  2. Yes, if they dont they never get a sense of responsibility and then become lazy and lack work ethic.  Not to mention it takes some of the load off the parents.  If i didnt do chores i didnt get my allowance.  fair enough.

  3. I think it is good for children to have household tasks appr. to their age level to not only teach them that they are part of a family unit (you all live in the home together, you keep it nice together) but also to earn an allowance (also appro. amounts) and to know how to have a good work ethic. Too many children don't nowdays and its disgusting! Also to appr. and respect their and their families belongings and the work the parents do to keep things nice and literally-a roof over their heads.

  4. i had a house keeper growing up i didnt do anything , i turned out fine

  5. It is necessary to teach them they are part of the family team or else they grow up and have an attitude of entitlement and disconcern for anyone around them (selfish and self indulgent).  It also sets them up to not work well in the business world when they grow up.  Just make sure the work they are assigned is age appropriate and leaves time for schoolwork.

  6. Yes.  Start them young too.  They learn to take care of things and not take things for granted.  It shows them how a family works together to help clean and how nothing in this world is easy.

  7. Yes, but not to turn them into slaves, it helps them learn responsibility and learn that it takes everyone to make the household run not just the parents. Certain chores should be unpaid, others should be paid. For example hands down cleaning their own bedroom not paid, vacumming paid.

  8. It is necessary. If they do not, they will be lazy cows all their lives.  

  9. Yes. Give time limited jobs according to there age. It builds disipline and character. A chance to earn an allowance and self worth.

  10. Not necessarily, but it does help to build character and resposibility.  It also helps to build skill and to take orders for when they are old enough to work on their own.

  11. YES!!!!! It teaches them how  to understand how the world works!! Everyone needs to participate in a household not just the parent.

  12. i think it is important for kids to help out and learn that every member of the household contributes. i try to stress that if everyone picks up after himself its alot easier for us all (doesn't seem to sink in!). I have seen some parents who i think make the kids do too much around the house, which i disagree with-they should clean up their messes and help out in general, including regular chores, but they are not the hired help and not the adults.  

  13. Its not necessary and my kid never do houseworks…

  14. from personal experience yes,i didn't get my son to do any when he was a bit younger now he thinks everyone should do everything for him Now its a major struggle to get him to do anything whereas my girls have started getting chores and they don't argue or moan they just get on with it(wish i had started my son on them years ago)

  15. yes it is practice to see what they have learned and to prove they have learn something. also to get them ready for a test.

    now busy work is pointless. its just work they give you in class to keep you quite. it doesn't count for a grade or anything

  16. ABSOLUTELY! As the father of a 13 and 9 y/o, it is hard enough to get them moving, but not to have them chip in around the house would only further their "entitlement" viewpoint.  Our kids do, within their age capability, housework even though my wife stays at home.  During school, the list is smaller as to not interfere with schoolwork time, but they are ALWAYS responsible for their room and anything they take out and use.  Picking up after kids all day only leads them to think this will happen everywhere they go, which often leads to some uncomfortable situations.  Mama isn't always going to be there to clean up, and the sooner they learn to do it themselves, the better.  

    This isn't to say anyone is cracking a whip whilst we sip margaritias, but they do a SHARE of the work (i.e. bring down your laundry and I will wash it, and you put it away).  Besides, life as a child is training for being an adult.  If the first time you mop a floor is when you move out, you're behind the power curve!

  17. My son is 8, he is supposed to tidy his own bedroom, empty the dishwasher, put his own dishes in it when finished, bring down his dirty laundry and basically pick up after himself.  He doesn't always do it and therefore doesn't always get his pocket money.  Just lately he has been wanting to help make dinner, he would like to become a chef.  I have told him this also entails tidying after himself.  He is getting better and has made tea for himeslf and his brother on several occasions with out any help.

  18. Absolutely.  My boyfriend never did housework growing up (and neither did anyone in his family - his house was a pigsty).  When we moved in together (at 26  years old) he did not do any work around the house and I was left to do everything myself after having worked all day.  It wasn't that he was lazy, it was more that he never learned to do housework so he didn't know what had to be done.  Now that I've taught him everything he is much better.  So YES, please have your children learn to do housework, they will benefit from it as adults.

  19. Absolutly necessary!  It gives them an opportunity to earn respect, learn how to take care of themselves, and gives them a sense of pride.  

    I watched Wife Swap once and these parents didn't enforce chores b/c they said that their children were brought into this world w/o asking so they don't feel they have the right to make them work...since they didn't ask them if they wanted to be born.  That is so stupid!

    Anyways, they learn good skills and gain a sense of achomplishment.  A few daily chores won't hurt them.

  20. yes! I do house work. and i'm a kid, and it sounds strange for me to be saying this, but I think everyone should have chores. Some kids have chores and they don't mind like me. BUT some kids don't do them and they just sit on the couch watching T.V. and eating. so chores are good, because it teaches kids to not be lazy and get up and do something!

    Good things about chores:

    ***you can reward your kids with an allowance or something and that way you can teach them about money and its value.

    ***it helps them learn more so when they grow up and have to take care of themselves they will be more prepared because they had chores and they will know how to sweep the floors, make their beds, etc.

    *** it helps with making your kids healthier too. do you think a kid who sits on the couch all day playing video games and watching T.V. will be healthier than a kid who gets outside and helps you with the gardening/cleaning/any other chore? No! The kid with the chores will be healthier!

    ALSO: don't make them do too many chores in one day. My mom has one chore for me every day, like today I have to clean the bathroom, and tomorrow i will have something else. making a chore list is really a good idea.

    Bad things:

    ***kids may not be willing to do chores. be patient and show them that doing chores can be fun!

    *** kids may get mad.

  21. Yes it teaches them to pitch in, appreciate cleanliness, listening, responsibility, and instills good habits so they can handle it when they are on their own. (i know a lot of people who can't)  

  22. I think think that as children get older (p*****n-teen) they should do housework.  I think that if you give them an allowance (and not just buy them anything they want)  it teaches them the value of a dollar and at the same time you can buy them nice things without spoiling them.  Also if they do housework it will teach the children resposibility.

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