
Is it necessary that I tell my parents I'm atheist?

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I come from a very strict Catholic family but last year, i kinda went atheist because i have different beliefs aside from my family but i know if i tell my parents im atheist, they'll totally disown me and probably kick me out of the house and think im crazy!

but my older brother whos 22 years old, hes atheist and never told my parents but they always call him when hes in college and say 'do you go to church? are you going to church up there in university?" and he has to lie to them. i dotn want to do that to them when im older cuz i hate lying and i KNOW they'll always call me and say "are you going to church?" blah blah balh, any help plz!?




  1. Its important to tell your family the truth.

    If your worried about when to tell them wait until it comes up in conversation and lightly toss that in.

    If they really care about you they will accept your decision even if they do not fully understand why you chose it.

  2. I'm a parent.  I vote no, don't tell them, because there is nothing positive to be gained by it at this point.  After you move out on your own and they don't control your life, that's a good time to tell them IF you still feel that way.

    Plus, you are young and you may change your mind over time.  So it's hard to know how things will end up.  I have changed religions a couple times in my life so far.

    Even if you tell your parents you are atheist they will still make you go to church, probably more than ever!  Who wants that???

  3. Be glad your family is not baptist catholics are very forgiving,be honest.

  4. No.

    But as they are good catholics what can they do? ...Forgive you?

  5. well honestly you could always just try another religion,but you don't sound atheist idk if you believe in a god or not you kinda sound agnostic a bit.though me being blunt, i would probably just tell them.they probably were so strict it pushed you away from the religion which is on them,though in a calm voice say you would like stop going to church and that you are .... and believe this for ....

  6. I'm in the same situation. My parents are Lutherans but my brother and I are atheists. Neither of us have said a word to them and we plan on lieing. If you think it'll be that bad then lieing would be your only option but I would trying talking to your brother about it. HE knows your parents as well as you do and he can help you work out something to tell them. Just say that their religion no longer fits your beliefs. Good luck!

  7. If it is a decision you are sure about then stick by it and don't act as though it is something to be ashamed of.

  8. If they REALLY love you they won't disown you. They'll probably try to convince you to be Catholic but they'll still love you.

    You shouldn't just come out and announce it over dinner or whatev. Just maybe work it into a conversation.

  9. okay, i'm not athiest. just to say.

    but i have some of the same beliefs as my family but some that differ. If your 22 year old brother doesn't tell your parents then i wouldn't until you get older.

  10. you'll have to tell them eventually

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