
Is it necessary to flush the toilet everytime you use it if you only peed? It seems like such a waste of water

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Is it necessary to flush the toilet everytime you use it if you only peed? It seems like such a waste of water




  1. Yes, do half flush at least. Its bad for health can cause some problems for you and your guest. Its looks c**p when some one suddnly come to visit  and go to toilet. What do you think ??

  2. no if its yellow let it mellow if its brown flush it down

    =] hope my little ryme helps

  3. Yes, because fungus and bacteria can grow.

  4. I live alone, and pee profusely, so I don't flush everytime--unless someone is at the house. I can't stand to waste just kills me..hate to see people running sprinkler systems in the rain--there should be a law against that..punishable by fine.

  5. It will stink up the bathroom if you don't.  If you want to save water concider getting a toilet with half flush and full flush.

  6. if you leave pee lingering in the toilet it starts to stink so yes it is lol


  8. Yes! that is such a pet peeve of mine!

    It stinks, makes the water look yellow, and eventually stains the toilet bowl.

  9. if its brown - flush it down

    if its yellow - let it mellow  

    lol lol lol thats always cracked me up

  10. I usually don't flush if all I did was pee. and I agree with whoever said they pee in the shower, hallelujah, it feels so great to do that.

  11. sure, that is in need because ur wastes will go faster and we destroy the bacteria environ,  so ,saving our lives has the priority,but we need different methods to save that water;and i have one........

  12. I and my family (me mom dad grama) only flush after #2

    saves on the water n bill

  13. I'd flush if I knew the water would be sitting for a long time, but if I gotta pee again in a few minutes (unlikely) then i wouldn't

  14. ewww!  are you serious right now?? all you hippie "global warming" recyclers scare the c**p out of me!  just flush the d**n toilet!

  15. remind me not to go visit mars.

    no, it's not necessary.

    it sure would be nice if there were enough water that this question didn't come up.

    but there's not.

    one might note that pee is heavier than water, and sinks.

    for guys, that is.

    i haven't done this study on women, who tend to have more "stuff" in their pee.

    now i don't keep it around for a few days.

    but up to 1 day is okay.

    yes, i do have to wash the toilet a bit more often, but not a lot.

    here in calif, we've been told we have to cut back water usage 19%.

    i've no idea where i'm going to cut 19%.

    i don't have a lawn to stop watering.

    i really can't go any longer between showers.

    i wash dishes when there's a full load.

    same with laundry.

    and i already do the "if it's yellow" bit.

    i guess i'll just wait until they complain, and ask what i should do.

    maybe i'll be sure not to take a shower before i go.  ;-)

  16. yeh ofcourse it unhygienic to just leave your waste in the toilet

  17. What an interesting question. I'd say you have to flush the toilet if you don't live alone. I mean, that's pretty gross to pee on top of someone else's pee. I guess it would be a waste of water but keep in mind that the pee we let out, we let it out for a probably isn't sanitary to keep it there.

  18. Don't...pee outside if you really want to conserve water...

  19. Get a composting toilet that doesn't use water.

  20. no

    it is stupid cos you waste money

    you waste energy

    and you waste waste

  21. then pee outside if you dont wanna waste water.

    just dont pee on plants because it will most likely kill them.

    there is a big tree/bush thing in my yard that's dead because all the boys peed there

  22. If its yellow, let it mellow. If its brown, flush it down! Lmao!  

    I flush every second pee. It saves a little water....

  23. boys don't if your not worried about germs and smell, but women should b/c of the tp.

  24. During the night, everyone just pees and doesn't flush until morning.  My husband and I live alone and we flush about three times during the day unless we are pooping.  Then, every couple of days, i just clean it.

    We are planning to build an earth house and we are going a modified squat toilet so very little water is used.

  25. Ew, gross! Yes, it's necessary to flush the toilet.

    Here's a way to conserve water when you flush if you're really that concerned:

    Take a half gallon milk jug and fill with water. Remove lid from tank on toilet, flush and place in water filled jug. Water displacement will use less water to fill the tank, -> using less water to flush -> water bill is lower.


  27. no, you should the toilet in my dormroom.

  28. For sanitary reasons yes, keep in mind that the next person would then be exposed to and residual that could become air born, particularly if the previous person had certain illnesses.

    If you are concerned about saving water there are things you can do...Replace the current toilet with a low capacity one to use less water.

    Place a brick in the tank of you current one it will displace some water and the tank won't use a s much to fill,

  29. Do you live alone?  A lot of pee in an unflushed toilet can be a bad thing over a 48 hour period.  And I don't mean just for your toilet.

    I agree it DOES seem like a waste of water.  But you don't want to let waste (liquid or solid) be around for a period of time.

    At least flush it once a day.  If you adopt the policy of 'mellow yellow, brown flush it down' then you don't want that festering for over 12-24 hours.

    Mind you this is not scientific, just my opinion.

  30. First of all, let me congratulate you on thinking "Green"!

    Toilets really should be flushed after every use- the smell accompanying urine left in an un-flushed toilet can easily make your whole house stink, and bacteria can build up in the toilet.  Depending on what foods you eat, and what vitamins you take, the urine could even stain the toilet bowl.  If you are worried about the amount of water flushed down the toilet, go to a store like Home Depot, and purchase a water displacement device to put in your toilet- this will greatly reduce the amount of wasted water.  Use Seventh Generation toilet paper (they do not bleach their toilet paper with chlorine) to help the environment.  Also, save water by taking shorter showers and switching plants around the perimeter of your yard to plants that need little or no watering.

  31. It'll leave a stain, but do what you feel is best. :]

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