
Is it necessary to get a vet for pet bird?

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I'm thinking about buying a small bird like a canary for finch, but I do not want to pay monthly fees for a vet. I will take good care of it so is it ok if I do not have a vet? Thanks




  1. It is absolutely necessary to have a vet, and you need a certified avian vet.  Owning a parrot/bird is kinda like having a child, they're a lot of responsibility and they need to have check ups at least once a year if not more as they can easily develop neurological problems, become overweight, or develop respiratory problems from everyday household chemicals created from cookware, air freshener, cleansing products, or pesticides.  Birds can develop all kinds of illnesses that could be fatal if not treated promptly caused by toxins they may breathe or consume in their diet accidentally if you are not real experienced, they digest everything diffrent so things like chocolate, avacado, and teflon can be very detrimental to their health.   Birds also can catch bird mites from being exposed to outside "free fliers".   Birds are real sensitive to certain situations, and like all pets, its always good to have a vet on hand that is familiar with YOUR birds health and needs!!!  I hope this helps.  Good Luck!!!

  2. For a small bird like that i'd say it's safe to say you do not need to pay monthly for a vet. I have a 16 yr old parrot and he only goes every once in a great while and only because he is now part of the family.

  3. It is necessary to have a vet (as necessary as feeding the bird... not optional!), but you don't normally have to go more than once or twice a year if the bird is healthy.  But the bird can get sick and it can be expensive to treat, and you have to be prepared for that possibility with any pet.  That's just part of taking good care of it.

    Not all vets are qualified to treat birds, but that's why you would find an avian vet because they usually know what they're doing with birds.

  4. I have been raising birds for over 20 yrs now and have never needed a vet for them. I figure if your bird gets ill, do all you can for it and pray it doesn't passaway but if it does passaway it's mother nature. Unless the bird has a real problem making it suffer, there really is no need for a vet. So many people will yell take it to the VET when most dog and cat vets don't know squat other then how to bill you for services they have no idea how to treat a bird for.

  5. Just locate an avian vet in your area and call to verify that s/he is accepting new bird patients. There is no need to go to the vet for a bird unless you have a problem.

    We have two large parrots and the African Gray has never seen a vet. The Green Wing Macaw has been to the vet twice in his lifetime, and one of those times was because I was an inexperienced bird owner.

  6. You should when you buy the bird take him to the vet to make sure he is Okay.  Then a once a year physical.  Because one day you might need a vet in an emergency and you will have someone to call.

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