
Is it necessary to get married before having s*x?

by Guest45546  |  earlier

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Is it necessary to get married before having s*x?




  1. you are an indian for sure..

  2. No, its not necessary.... but it is a whole lot better. Because then you know that your partner isn't likely to cheat on someone else. And then you are giving your partner a wonderful gift, instead of wasting it, because if your not married, your relationship might not last long. And then you'd waste the gift for that perfect someone still out there...


  3. It is not a question of neccessity.  it is a question of should/should not.  The Bible syas you should wait until marriage for a variety of reasons.  Marriage is a union between a man and a woman and when that marriage is consummated through s*x, the spiritual, physical, and emotional marriage is complete.  If you have s*x before you are married, you open yourself up to a host of problems, namely: uncertainty as to should you have done it with this on or that one or that other one, you have nothing to give your partner in the physical marrige that sets them apart from the vast majority of others you have known , and quite possibly loved, but never committed yourself to, you risk disease, you may bring a child into a world where its parents are surprised and possibly unprepared, you may face the ecision of ending another beings entire future life because of a passing hour, you may not ever find real love because you may be too preoccupied with the physical.  On the other hand, when love is present, sexual compatibility is never a problem.  Two partners who care enough about each other to at least try can work this and other differences out (if there even are any).  s*x is not some separate thing from marriage.  Is a big part of marriage, just not the other way around.


  5. Of course not, but you have to be responsible about how you do it.  Some sort of birth control is a must!

  6. What does one have to do with the other?

  7. not in this day and age!

  8. yes

    If you dont will be attacked by small demons, celled gentaliel....

    these small demons actually eat your genital energy.

  9. Yes, you should! Marriage and s*x should not be taken so lightly. Marriage is sacred and should be entered into with lifetime commitment not just so you can have s*x.

  10. it is nt food question

  11. No it is not necessary. Just ask about every 8 out of 10 people, lol. It is your preference, I'd suggest it though.

  12. If you have to ask then the answer is definitely YES

  13. heck no

  14. no way

  15. i think waiting is just silly. why would you? Because the bible says so? The bible is written by man and it's used to control people. Do what u want.

  16. It is not necessary, but it is a good idea.  It is not about a compatibility issue, but rather it is an issue of morality.  Waiting until you are married is a choice that you will not regret.  When you are married you show love for your partner by having intercourse with them and learning together how to make each other happy.  Waiting until marriage is rare these days because the media desensitizes us and makes everyone think that casual s*x is okay and safe.  The best way to prevent STD's and other deadly diseases is to wait.  Don't think that you need to go around testing the opposite s*x to see if they are compatible!  That is just ignorant.  When you find a person that you want to spend the rest of your life with you will know and if you waited to have s*x, that moment will be much more meaningful and special.

  17. it's not necessary, it's your decision to make.

  18. no, just use protection

  19. It is not necessary but if you plan to marry it is prudent and wise for legal, medical, and moral reasons both for you and the person you want to share your body with.

  20. No just make sure you aren't throwing your body around to just anybody.

  21. You really should but I'm not one to talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. It is very necessary. You shouldnt have s*x until you are married and willing to spend your life with that person.

  23. no , not in these days but be real careful for diseases and babys !!!!!!!!

  24. Depends on your religion...Some take it as being very sacred. But in today's world who really cares...??? It is all up to you.

  25. no, and frankly i think waiting till you are married can be do you even know you are compatible? that is just silly to me.....

  26. i think if you feel the need to explore a partner sexually then yes because s*x is important in a relationship because you enjoy each other..not everyone is compatible some like it rough and ready some need a bit more emotion

  27. But yes ...I mean we live in 21st century,how can you change something like this?

  28. it depends on u how u take ,  some prefers for s*x but not for marriage and some vice-versa .

    but having s*x before marriage makes married life boring and i dont know much about this because i m 17years boy

  29. I agree with volleybally- to have s*x before marriage is just selfish and will only hurt you and the other person in the long run- even if you believe you will get married anyway. It's much more fufilling to wait.

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