
Is it necessary to give a two week notice at a job???

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after two years at a job i've put my all in...its becoming a living nightmare...every employee but one is catty manipulative..backstabbing..including the boss...they have no bones about talking about you to others..and parents..and so on...they will act like your friend then go to someone and talk about you....i'm looking for another job..ASAP!!!! is it necessary to give a two weeks...or a must?? i've thought about if i got it on monday or tuesday (a new job) give my boss notice that friday would be my last day...she has enough employees there...




  1. you should but it is not a must.

  2. It could hurt you if you do not and a job that you applied to calls for a reference.  Other than that, unless you signed a contract, no, you do not really have to.

  3. While it's not necessary, it's certainly frowned upon not to do so.  And I don't mean by your current employer, but by future ones too.  Look at it this way;  two years at a job is a long time, and regardless of your experiences there, I'm going to assume you're going to want to put it on your resume at some point in the future.  Do you really want potential employers calling up your old one and hearing you left them "high and dry" without enough notice?  Because trust me when I say that's what'll happen, even if you feel your boss has enough people there to cover for you.

    Because it sounds like your boss isn't exactly the nicest person in the world, it's best to bite your tongue and bear it out for two weeks so you don't give her any further reason to be nasty if you find yourself needing to use her as a reference.  Speaking as someone who was in your position last year, just knowing I was counting down the days made it literally fly by and nothing seemed to bother me anymore.

    Because I was partially in charge of hiring for my department, being assistant manager, one of the things I looked for were people who could be relied upon.  Calling a reference for a potential employee and hearing they left without proper notice or other similar things really gives me second thoughts about hiring someone, no matter how pleasant and trustworthy they seemed in the interview.  I turned down several people for things just like this.  In a similar case, when one of our girls chose to quit with three day's notice (and was admittedly a little nasty about it), my manager flat out told her not to bother coming back the next day despite her pleas that she needed the paycheck;  if you're not going to give us the courtesy, why should we do it for you?

    Ultimately, if you feel you absolutely, positively cannot take another day there, you have to do what's best for you.  But my advice is to stick it out and just keep reminding yourself that you'll be coming out on top in the end.

  4. you do not have to give a notice.

  5. Unless you signed some sort of contract when you began imployment there, you don't have any legal obligation to give 2 weeks notice.  However, giving 2 weeks is definitely considered good job etiquette, and if your new job wants to contact your current job for references, etc. you probably don't want to give your current job a reason to say anything negative about you.  I'd probably just stick it out for 2 more weeks if I were you, just so you have all your bases covered.

  6. s***w them.  If they treat you like dirt, stick it to them as much as possible...  If I were you, I would come up with a harrassment suit.  These companies treat their employees like c**p and they wonder why some people go postal on them...  I would say I was raped if I were you.  s***w them.  Every job is the same unless you are the eternal kiss *** for no shorter than 8 hours per day.  Then they wonder why people end up on Welfare because a person can only take being degraded for too long before they snap.  They don't do anything nice for you (maybe some donuts woppdy f'in ding) so I wouldn't do anything nice for them.  Tell them with exactly 1 half hour left in your shift that you are quitting or that you are applying for sick benefits because of all of the harrassment.  s***w these companies.  Go to your newspaper and make something real bad up.  Call the authorities up and say they are doing illegal dumping or something.  Better to get a group of people together so that you can s***w them even harder.  The only thing about not giving 2 weeks notice is for reference purposes only.  Get a relative that will pose as a supervisor for you.  Good luck.

  7. As long as you aren't one of the people who would complain about being fired without any notice whatsoever, than I see no reason to give notice.

    However, if you are one of those employees who always complains about "employees rights," then yeah, you should give a proper 2 week notice.

  8. Never burn any bridges behind you or it will come back to haunt you. Be professional and give a 2 week notice. That way, no one can say anything negative about you and it will show prospective employers that you will not leave them high and dry.

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