
Is it necessary to have a doctor's note when you have had a hip replacement surgury?

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i meant when you i need a doctor's note to explain this when i fly..i thought you just told the person on the security gate before i entered because i will set off the alarms..




  1. Some people carry copies of their Xrays when they fly.  Hip implants show up nicely on xray.  I have no idea whether they set off the metal detectors or not.

  2. No, it isn't.  In fact, it won't do you any good because TSA relies on it's own inspection, not some card or letter.  Anyone could forge such a document so they are basically meaningless.

    I've had both hips replaced and I fly frequently.  I do have a card that the surgeon gave me that says that "this patient has had hip replacement" but no TSA employee has ever looked at it and I don't even carry it anymore.  What I do is tell the TSA agent that I "have metal hips" before I walk through the detector.  TSA relies on the walk-through scanners (which you will likely set off because of the metal in your body) and a subsequent inspection done by a same-s*x TSA employee with a hand-held scanner and a pat down.  It takes only a minute or so and I have always been treated courteously and with respect.  They wear surgical gloves and always offer to do the inspection in private (I always decline). A tip:  Because I am momentarily separated from my hand luggage that is going through the machine, I have my husband go through first and make sure he picks up my stuff while I am pulled aside.

  3. if its for a Job and you've missed out for some time, Yes it is necessary to bring in a Doctors Note. If your applying for anything that asks about medical history or such, Then yea just bring in proof of what you did.

    Hope this helps!

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