
Is it necessary to own your Alias name when you become a writer?

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I am a new fiction writer and I have created an Alias name for myself. It is not currently being used, should I try to secure my name so that no one else can use it? If so how would I go about this? Please only experienced writers, publishers etc apply.

Thank you!




  1. It's called a pseudonym or pen name, and you can't own a name.

    You can, however, publish under it, create a website under it, blog under it, and so on. If you fear the name might be taken by someone else, then you could start a blog, register a domain, etc. *now*, even if you may not ever have a book in print. If you succeed, you may be glad you did.

  2. Maya,

    The best thing to do is work on publishing your first article or novel.  As with all trademarks, the rights go to the first person to use the name in connection with certain goods and services.  You can register a personal name with the USPTO if you can demonstrate that consumers associate your name with your goods or services.  So basically once you register and publish several novels legally it’s going to be hard for someone else to publish a book with the same name because it creates a legal technicality.  Ã¢Â€ÂœIE” Lawsuit!  Example, you would have a big problem if you went to write a book and used the Alias name"Zane" for example, because she already has a great deal of books in print and publication.  You can trademark a name if you can show that you've been using it for a while to sell goods or services, or have invested some money in advertising the name.

    Another example of this is "PUFF DADDY" aka Sean Combs.  He has his name trademarked in several different ways.  He has made money off the name and uses it to promote good and services.  So basically in time if your name becomes well known, and successful you can in fact trademark it along with a picture or image associated with it!

    Good Luck! & Much Success to you!

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