
Is it necessary to paint the boat bottom if you plan on leaving it in freshwater for the summer?

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are there clear waxes or something to protect the hull




  1. Honestly, you don't really need to do anything to the hull if the water isn't brackish. The 250 boats that we maintain at our marina don't get any treatment at all to the hulls before they hit the water, and they stay in the water for four months before coming out. Once they come out, we acid wash the hulls and they look just like they should! If you're worried about anything, just get some Meguiar's No. 20 Polymer Sealant, throw two coats of that on and you really won't have to worry about it!

  2. i would recomend painting the bottom if it was wood. i have never done any painting on the bottom of any fiberglass boats, but our wood boat is painted. we dont do it every year or even every other. i have never painted it but it always is.

  3. No, I only take my 30 footer out every two years to do the bottom with anti fouling.  Rest of the time it stays there winter, floods or what ever.  Be nice to be able to trail it home but to big and heavy.

  4. You may get some algi growing on it, but it will wash right off with a power washer when you take it out.

  5. You can use a gelcoat treatment and apply it to the hull. As long as there is no cracks or damage, it will be just fine.

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