
Is it necessary to put in a tablespoonful of brown sugar in lentil vegetarian shepherd's pie

by  |  earlier

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I've never had veg shepherd's pie before and the idea of a lentil one sounds yummy. I got a recipe on the TV, but can't imagine putting sugar in!




  1. That amount of sugar wont sweeten it, it'll just take some of the bitterness off the lentils. I often use sugar when i use tin tomatoes because it take the bitterness off.

  2. i made a veg shepards pie and i didn't use sugar.... you can probably find a different recipe or just skip it if you don't like the idea of adding it.  i basically used a regular recipe that called for meat and subbed in veggie ground meat instead. it was delcious. good luck.

  3. If it is tomato based as well then a small spoonful of sugar (tsp) will intensify the flavour of the tomatoes and make it slightly less bitter (especially if using tinned tomatoes), but I have never put sugar in anything else that contain lentils such as soup or curry.  

  4. itll just add to the taste... it wont make it sweet like a cake, just put it in

  5. NO it is not necessary.. but I always follow a recipe completely the 1st .time.  Sugar takes the acid off things like tomatoes.. not seeing the recipe I can't judge why they have it in there. I doubt you really taste that little.

  6. We make this loads and I can't imagine why anyone in their right mind would suggest putting sugar in. I use a pinch or two of salt, lots of ground black pepper and plenty of herbs like parsley and basil to season. Enjoy.

  7. I agree that it might take off some of the bitterness. I wouldn't use brown sugar, though. I'd use brown rice syrup. :)  

  8. Such ingredients are not really necessay.

    But if I were you, I'd follow the recipe first then adjust next time according to your taste.

    Agree with other posters. it won't make the dish sweet like a dessert.More than likely it would tame strong but unpleasant flavors or enhance weak but good flavors

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