
Is it necessary to rush while eating and brushing while getting treated with invisalign?

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I just started using invisalign 2 days ago so im a newbie. The only problem is that everytime i eat I feel the need to completely rush to eat and then brush and floss so i could put my invisalign back in. Sometimes it takes me about 20 mins everytime i eat and i eat about 4-5 times a day. Would that little time without the aligners affect my treatment at all? Besides that I never take them out and try to wear them all the time.




  1. Don't rush. Your aligners should be in at least 22 hours a day. Which means you get about 2 hours for eating brushing, flossing. That's plenty of time. If you are going out to a dinner or have an event to go to where you don't wear your aligners. Just add those hours on at the end before you change out to the next aligner.

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