
Is it necessary to send a thank you note when someone sends a sympathy card?

by  |  earlier

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my father passed away last week and we are sending out thank you notes, and we are wondering about this. we are obviously sending thank yous to people who stopped by, brought food etc, or sent a gift of money. but what about if they just sent a card?




  1. No but you can personally thank them the next time you see them.

  2. No, because if they are kind enough to know what you are going through [and thus send you a card], they are not going to expect a thank you note.

    However next time you see them or call them, tell them thanks at that time.

    I'm sorry for your loss.

  3. I just received a lot of sympathy cards.  I am not going to send cards to thank them for their card.  If I see them, I  will thank them for the card though.

  4. My parents sent cards if people sent them money or gifts. If only a card, no. They did put a notice in the paper saying how much they appreciated what people did for them, including sending cards. That would cover everything.

  5. You can if you want just so they know that you received the card. If it was a Mass card you should send a Thank You. Do you know the person well?

  6. Unless the card contained a gift, no thank you is necessary

  7. No one expects you to send them a thank you for a card after your father passed away. Next time you see the person, make a comment on how nice it was that they thought of you in your time of need. I'm really sorry for your loss.

  8. No, but next time you see them say thanks for the card that was so nice of you.

  9. My deepest sympathy goes out to your family but yeah when peopel send sympathy cards you do send thank you notes.  Those are people who could not stop by but they still want to send their regrets.

  10. I would say not unless you are sending thank you cards to a lot of others that they know...I assume a card for sympathy is a different type of gesture that isnt neccesary to reciprocate...if this person attended the viewing or funeral however you should or of course if lots of their family or friends sent flowers or gifts...also bear in mind if this person is hurting financially or is elderly they may expect a thank you...It may just be simpler to send one and avoid the question and write something like "we appreciate you're warm thoughts during our time of greif"  and its as easy as that

  11. A lot of people do that but I think it's too much to expect, especially from a family going through a hard time.  I certainly would never expect one.  But like the other answer says, speak about how much all the cards and warm thoughts meant to you when you see people in person.  Take care.

  12. yes a note or a phone call would be nice.  It is to show appreciation.

  13. No, but next time you see them say thanks for the card that was so nice of you.!!!

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