
Is it necessary to use polls while skiing?

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Is it necessary to use polls while skiing?




  1. without shaped skis it is not necessary to use poles, because of the sidecut allowing you to turn in a carve instead of a plant and turn with straight skis.

  2. Unless you are racing, ski poles have 3 uses. Help while climbing, walking in a lift line and getting up after a fall, when you are learning.  In advanced skiing, the pole helps with timing for each turn. In racing they also help when starting to accelerate the body before the wand is tripped.

      When I teach classes up through level 8, I would rather the student did not have a set of poles to get in their way.  Usually the poles are a hindrance to good balance for beginners.

  3. It is not necessary to ski with poles, but you should use poles unless you are a beginer.  Poles help you balance and keep your weight driving forward.  pole plants are a very important part of initiating turns.  also poles are very helpful for skating across flat ground.

  4. no ya dont. in fact there is a big controversy in the newschool world about whether skiing without poles is stupid or not. personally, i think that the only advatage to skiing without poles is its easier to do grabs.

  5. Poles have many uses

  6. I like to

  7. If you're just learning how to ski, then no you shouldn't use poles.  It helps to not have them and get your balance down.  Some ski instructors I work with never ski with them, but others do.  Once you've learned how to ski it's a personal preference.

  8. i didnt for a long time, but once i started my skiing did not IMPROVE because of this. although, it helps trying to get around from slope to slope.

  9. I've skied for nearly 13 years, i have skied with and without poles. i learned without them, but when you start doing more on your skis poles help with balance and provide a certain amount of confidence. However, skiing in the terrain park really does not require poles at all unless you just can't put them down. It's easier to learn without poles, after that it's whatever feels good. I should note that poles really help you get around the flat parts of a mountain and it makes you feel good to skate past the walking boarders :)

  10. No it is not necessary to use poles when skiing, although they can be helpful.  But it does help improve your balance if you don't use them.

  11. It is not necessary to use poles when skiing. In fact, some skiers never use poles & some of the best ski schools begin teaching you without poles, particularly when teaching young children. If you're interested, you should try skiing once without poles & see what you think. This theory is to help you with your balance while skiing. It teaches how to use your lower body while skiing, i.e. knees & waist slightly bent & the correct time to lean forward or backward without falling. Poles, however, can ge good to help keep your balance since they can control what your arms are doing & sometimes the poles help you turn since you can plant your poles in the snow before each turn. Actually, it's a different way of skiing & you might enjoy doing both. Finally, skiers that have learned how to ski without poles will generally have less trouble balancing your body while you ski & it will make you a better skier, especially when it comes to carving your turns. Good Luck!!!


  12. Not absolutely, but it makes life easier pushing yourself about on flat surfaces or inclines.

    Also, try getting up after falling down on a steeper slope without them!

    It's all very well for smart**** instructor types to say that they should not be used when learning - they've obviously forgotton what it's like to be a novice skier.

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