
Is it necessery to use goggles in a tanning bed or with tanning lamp?

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i have seen people with and without the goggles.

are the googles necessery? i dont see how it can do any damage if the persons eyes are closed the whole time




  1. Your eyelids are not thick enough to fight off all of the harmful rays.

    Most tanning places require the use of eyewear.

  2. The thinnest skin on your face is around your eyes so that area wrinkles the fastest with sun or UV light exposure causing premature skin aging...especially in women.  Some men obviously don't want those crow's feet crinkles either.  Even though it doesn't seem to look as bad on them.

  3. no it's not necessary, just close your eyes. plus some google cause google tan lines around your eyes then you look like a raccoon

  4. It won't damage the eyes themselves but the skin on your eyelids is very sensitive, ie. say hello to wrinkles!

  5. well now they have stickers so you won't have the complete circle around your eye.

    it helps too.


  6. As long as you keep your eyes closed, you don't need them. I personally don't use them because they can make a little tan line on the sides of your head where the elastic is.

  7. yep, it is necessary to wear em because the waves inside the bed comes in direct contact to the eyes. :)

  8. idk if it can do damage, but if you wear goggles, then you'll look like you were wearing sunglasses out in the sun, and that would not be pretty

  9. Hi opio,

    According to the National Cancer Institute,

    "Women who visited a tanning parlor at least once a month were 55% more likely to later develop melanoma than women who didn't artificially suntan. Those who used sun lamps to tan while in their 20s had the greatest later risk, about 150% higher than similarly aged women who shunned tanning beds."

    Given that huge piece of info,  I personally would never use a tanning bed, but if I did, I  definitely would use goggles. Please see link, especially the third paragraph and the "RISK" section.

  10. You better use goggles. You don't want skin cancer in the eyes. Matter of fact tanning beds gone start a new cancer. Eye Cancer, so sad can't even shed a tear.

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