
Is it nervousness or something else?

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At school, I tend to lose my voice a lot. I asked my dad why this happens, he says it could be that I'm nervous, the thing is I don't feel nervous and I got nothing to be nervous about at all and this has happened at my other school too. Am I nervous and don't realize it, or is it something else? Why is it I keep losing my voice at school? Just as an extra piece of information, I'm male, 17, and my voice hasn't changed yet. Why does my voice act up? Is it nervousness, or something else? Why is it anytime I go to school, I lose my voice? I totally hate it because I wanna make friends but I have a hard time doing so when it's impossible to talk. Outside of school though, my voice is fine and there's nothing I'm allergic to as well there. Why does this happen to me and how can I solve it???




  1. You could actually be nervous but sub- consciously, is there a girl you have feelings for ( or boy not sure of your sexuality) this may affect your nerves. it may also be ( although I'm a girl and have no experience with this) but it could be your hormones, you voice could be close to breaking and this is why you loose your voice.

    Hope this helps


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