
Is it nomal for a 2 year old to be whinny not take naps and barley eat but want junk foods?

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Is it nomal for a 2 year old to be whinny not take naps and barley eat but want junk foods?




  1. I agree with the first answer...the terrible 2's.  I also have a 2 year old and she does the same thing.  She just wants to experiment and try different things and see what she can get away with.  These are important things for her to learn though so I just deal with it the best way I know how without pulling all my hair out.

  2. junk food can make them whinny & not wanting to take naps.  Replace the junk food with yogurt, fruit, puddings, jello, bowl of cereal, get rid of the chips, cookies, candy, pop, etc.

  3. Yup - gets worse when they are 3!

  4. They call them the terrible 2's for a reason...

  5. No it is not not normal, I think this 2 year old it being more of the boss than the parent is.  I say that with the most empathy possible because we all go thru that at some point with kids.  

    So once again we need to take back the reins and be the parent and let the kids be kids and they should listen to us - especially at 2 years old...well here's hoping.

    I have a 2 yr old daughter that has naps everyday, isn't whinny and does eat fairly I have that lucky.  But she does not listen when I ask her to pick up her toys or to put her shoes and hat on before going outside...even with her 6 year old sister to help her (and me).  

    So yes, good luck, be strong and do what you know is the best thing to do.

  6. You just described my kid to a t!!!  

  7. That would be a 2 year old with unique taste buds

  8. no

  9. Do not give in to him otherwise he will become a brat and be overweight when he gets older.

  10. Yup very normal


  11. Yeah you just described my daughter too man i thought that I was the only one that had a little monster.  JK LOL

  12. Oh it's normal. That doesn't mean you have to feed them the junk though.

  13. 2 year old, 3 year old, 4 year old....I could keep going!

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