
Is it norm for a person to think there straight and in there teen years(or higher) they realize there not?

by  |  earlier

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? is it norm

i only realized when i was like 14 ..

looking back there is signs that i prob should have noticed b4 but is this norm to be a late noticer?




  1. Totally normal!

  2. Definitely. Here's the thing. I've always loved women. But it wasn't until I was 14 that I realized that this meant I was g*y. So yeah, I sort of was oblivious to that little fact. But it's totally normal. Heck, 40 year olds sometimes question their sexuality. It's okay. You're young. This is totally normal.

  3. it is completely normal.

    there is no way you would know before that age,,

    anything you think back to when your little,,

    you were just following by example and you didnt know any better.

    i wouldnt call it late noticing,,

    i would call it finally figuring out who you are,, and halfly of where you belong in this world.

  4. yeah this seems normal to me

  5. ...maybeh...   "♥"

  6. Yes totally normal

    and don't worry you're not a late noticer some people don't realise till their 20's or even later

  7. your female and your bi, I can live with it. And yes its normal.

    If your g*y, your g*y. I really don't care if your g*y. Just as long I'm not the father.

    Twiztidforlife could care less if your bi or not, till your hitting on me then I get a little concerned.

  8. yea its normal.

    everybody automatically assumes that they're straight

  9. Very normal - sometimes it doesn't become clear until your in your 20's - seriously.

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