
Is it normal for 7 year old boys to experiment with s*x together?

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My 7 year old and his 9 year old friend were spending the night and I kept hearing a bumping noise in the closet and when I called my son to ask him what it was he had this look on his face like he was doing sumthing wrong. I asked him if they both were in the closet and he started whining and I asked him what they were doing and he said "playing s*x" I lost it.... instantly I took the other boy home and came back to deal with my son. I asked him who's idea it was he said 'his', I asked him what did they do he told me they had their pants down and they were hugging and kissing, he then told me that they were touching eachother and I didnt know what to do!!! I wanted to cry, why did he want to do this with his friend? Is it normal? And what should I do? Please help any advice wouod be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!




  1. Well as a guy who went through that phase(maybe not to that extreme) it is pretty normal.

    You should definately see i phsycologist because this may be something your son saw on tv or somethign to that effect. But also don't let this incedent control his life for  long time. Things like that haunt you as you grow older and if you get it out of his brain now you won't have problems later.

  2. You need to talk to him about it (without scaring him) but also speak to the other boys parents (without the boys around) as well.  I feel somewhat uncomfortable because the other boy is older.  Even if either boy or both boys are g*y or neither  is g*y I think this is unacceptable sexual behaviour for their ages.

  3. At the age of 7, they're extremely unlikely to know their sexual standings - g*y or stright. I think it was a very very immature, even for their age, act. My brother has just turned eight and he has never been that stupid, so i'm advising you to give them some kind of punishment, depending on what sort of parent you are.

  4. Yes it's normal. You should do nothing.

  5. It could be a sign of child abuse.

  6. KIds at any age have sexual feelings, and to a certain extent, do occasionally experiment with other kids, playing "doctor" or "house" or "show me" games. Pretty normal, even for kids of the same s*x.

    In this instance, there's some reason for concern, because the activity was apparently initiated by someone who is two years older than your son, and may have initiated the play to gratify his own wish for sexual stimulation. I think you were right to take the boy home. If you didn't inform his parents why you were bringing him home, you should do so, and tell them you don't feel it is appropriate behavior on their child's part. Do this out of concern, not out of anger.

    As for your son, don't be angry or upset with him, but tell him that "playing s*x" isn't really playing, but serious. s*x is an activity for grownups, that has a lot more to do with love and respect and being an adult than just the physical part. Let him know that s*x is inappropriate behavior for him and his friend, and if anything like that happens again, or if someone else attempts to "play s*x" with him, he should always come to you and tell you.

          Let him know that your telling him these things is part of your job as his mom, because you care for him, not because you're mad or upset at him. Tell him too, if he has any questions about problems, or anything, that he can always come to you and trust you.

  7. Strangely and sadly, I think this thing is common nowadays with what kids are seeing on TV and the messeges they are getting from, shockingly, their own parents.  When I was a kid, I had several incidences between 8-12 especially with other kids who wanted to experiement with s*x on me or my brother. One girl was sexually abused, another kid watched his Dad's p**n videos and got ideas, another brother and sister that we were friends with were just curious after "watching" their parents do it.  

    This can be very damaging for your child because in a sense, his innocence is lost. My best advice is to talk to your son about it, you may have to dig to find out where he got these ideas from and you may even have to explain things to him that seem way beyond his age. I hope he didn't learn this from another adult  whom you may or may not know.  My heart really goes out to you.

  8. It is normal exploratory s*x.  And you totally blew it.  You had a chance to teach your son responble normal s*x and now he believes s*x is nasty and forbidden.  Read up on the subject and be a better parent.

  9. oh wow...i don't know....

    sit down and explain to your son that s*x is something that adults do

    and its usuall done with a man and a woman

    if things get wourse of your feel like you can't handle it, maybe see a child psychologist?

  10. THATS NOT NORMAL!?!?!?!?!

    your son is homo that sucks man time to get another one jk man idk wat you should i guess give him the talk about the birds and the bees

  11. well you can't punish him, he had no idea what he was doing was wrong. this will defenitely affect him forever, but don't make it worse for him. Have a talk with the parents of the other child, he is obviously watching things he shouldn't. Something similar happened to me when i was seven, it didn't go that far, but it was mostly kissing because we saw it on tv. Kids don't always know right from wrong. It luckily didn't affect me in anyway. I love men, thank god. But not everyone is the same. Your son could feel very confused.  Tell him playing that game is only for older kids, and for the opposite s*x not the same s*x. Just be calm and relax. it happens

  12. At that age he shouldnt even know about s*x. Him or his friend could have been abused by an adult and learned the behaviour.

  13. first ask him how does he know about it

    then tell him its wrong

    if its not ur son who started it then

    have the other boys mom ask her kid who told them to do it

    but i wouldn't be worried hes only 7

    at seven i wanted to marry my dad that's just how his young mind works

    he'll grow out of it

    or take him to see a psychiatrist


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  15. I would definitely talk with him, but not punish him.  I am concerned that they boy is two years older...that is quite a difference in age developmentally when they are that young.  I would encourage you to allow him to play with kids closer to his own age.  Another thing that worries me is the possibility of sexual abuse....either your son or other boy.  This could be a very serious situation.  Talk to the other boys parents as well.

  16. hes g*y, you will have to accept it, i reallt dont think its normal, ive never heared anything like that before in my life

  17. I would tell him that s*x is something that adults do... I wouldnt  punish him for it... however be calm and explain the situation

  18. I have  kids and they have ushered a lot of kids in and out of our home over the years...I haven't gone without my fair share of disasterously embarrassing and disturbing moments. I can say that at that age if they see something a book or magazine they CAN be arroused and interrested..(when I was that age,7, my cousins and I found my parents JOY OF s*x book in the night stand and were very arroused. One of my cousins started "fooling around with her girl friends after that...there were just no boys at sleepovers to try all those cool things on. She never had any sexual abuse...but just seeing those things aroused her).but sometimes they are just curious....I was....I looked at that book all afternoon, and payed extra close attention to s**y scenes on tv after that. Don't freak explain that such behavior is not right...Since he is trying it you should get him the book "where do I come from" so he can see what s*x is all about (it is not crude but it will help you explain what s*x is for)

    Make it clear to him that s*x can be very dangerous and explain to him about germs...don't be afraid to scare the begeezus out of him about don't want him fooling around with some kid with  aids....but don't freak out so bad he won't listen to you.  STAY CALM MOM...I am sorry to hear this happened to you. I wouldn't shun the other boy...but maybe you could talk to the kids together...both sets of parents, and NO MORE SLEEP OVERS...with that kid to be on the safe side.... I caught my daughter letting her male cousin look at her privates....when they were 5 and 6  I got really upset....but eventually I was able to get my point across to her, after I calmed down first.

  19. Lots of young kids experiment. 7 is really to young to know all the implications of g*y/straight and all the stigma we as adults put on s*x. At that age id say it was more a curiousness about their bodies rather then any sort of deep sexual desire. If anything I would say the impact of getting into trouble or getting you upset is more detrimental to him rather then the curious nature children often have. I would say your best bet would be to sit down and talk with him about s*x, not so much as giving him the ins and outs but just letting him know hes not in trouble and his body is natural. Explain to him why s*x is a big deal and why he should wait until hes older before trying anything like that again.

  20. wtf

    maybe hes g*y

    and coming out of the closet (literally)

    or maybe hes just being a kid

    kids do crazy stuff

    so who knows

  21. I think this is human nature. And depending on what the kid has seen or heard has partially to do with what has perked his curiousity, unfortunately. This does not mean he's g*y. It does mean he is experimenting and you need to keep a close eye on him. I wouldn't let him spend the night at kids house, but would insist they spend the night at your house. However, he now needs to be taught about sexual purity and I would let him know that no one can come spend the night for awhile because he wasn't doing the right thing. It is something that is okay, but only when you get married. It is special and is supposed to be saved for your spouse. If you haven't lived like this, then you need to reevaluate your beliefs and if  you come to these conclusions, then you need to confess to your son that you have been wrong.

  22. no, not normal at all.  Age 7??? Kids these days...

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