
Is it normal for Husband and Wife to sleep in separate bedrooms and have a good relationship? Or is this...?

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marriage headed down a road of trouble. He works over night and sleeps in the day they never really ever slept in a bed at the same time but 2 different rooms the master bedroom she sleeps in has a bigger bed and she lets the kids sleep with her, the guest room which he stays in has more tv channels so what is the deal are they in love or are they just roommates yes they still have s*x together and no they don't see other people. So is this normal or is it something else?




  1. I don't think its weird considering his work schedule. Who cares if its normal if it works?

  2. Thats not normal..pple who love each other should want to

    spend as much time as they can matter what room has the most tv channels.

    And the thing with the kids....they should not be sleeping with momma.

    they need to be in there rooms in there beds so mom & dad can spend alone time with each other.

    Mom & dad need to take time off and just have a relaxing night with each other to keep things alive.

  3. Everyone is different, what would not work for some marriages works fine for others. My husband and I sleep in the same bed but that is because we LIKE to.  

  4. well it's not "normal" because it's not the way that most couples live. but if it works for them, then thats great.

  5. these days its not what i call normal.but it could be that he sleeps in the other room because of the shift he he can get some sleep.well you don't mention anything about them i have to say that things are fine between them and your worried because its not normal what they are doing.compared to now a days tradition.

  6. "It has always been this way" and are they complaining. Either of them? Are you one of them? What is normal for any couple is what pleases them both. If one of them disagrees, then it should be discussed and compromise is in order, if one or the other does not concede altogether.

    Working opposite shifts...especially one of them working nights can put a strain on a couple...if they let it.

    I had two marriages and both hubby's worked nights. Yes, I am divorced from them both. Yet, the second marriage, we both worked at being together, as not to allow temptation to get us attracted to more convient mates.

  7. Keep in mind, no such thing as normal .. is whatever you / all are comfortable with. Is obvious they are not w/ one another.

  8. Actually, I've read that more couples than you would think sleep in different bedrooms and still have healthy relationships. Some do it because one of them snores, because one of them kicks in their sleep...any reason that would make it uncomfortable for them to sleep in the same bed/room. But they have otherwise very healthy marriages.

  9. It is totally normal. In the early 1900s all people slept in separate rooms. (We went to the biltmore house in NC this summer and males and females had a separate room)My grandparents also sleep in separate rooms as well as one of my hubby's friends( in thier 20's). It depends on the couple ,but like in your example it makes sense. If your hubby snored really loud wouldn't you have him sleep in another room :) Each relationship is different and whatever works works.

  10. no rule states they have to be in the same bed all the time.

  11. Who are you  

    and what business do  you have being in both there bedrooms  there there jobs there lives  

    I think its wonderful  what they do   if what they do makes them happy

    I bet they would  be even happier  knowing  you  would   get your own  life

  12. My man used to work nights and he never slept in another room and my kid does not sleep with US.

    If they are happy like that than is there life.

  13. It all depends on why.  For example, when women are their periods they are supposed to sleep in seperate beds but other than that they should sleep with their husbands unless they are away.  

  14. If they have specific reasons they don't share a bed, then their marriage isn't suffering at all. But if they sleep in separate beds just to be away from each other, then yes, there's something going on.

  15. Some couples are still old fashioned and like to do that like in the old days... for some people it is normal and others it is not...

  16. I sleep in the spare room its a single bed and I love it it's normal for a lot of couples.

  17. yes it is normal,been with mine for 5 years, he snores like a horse and i need my sleep and he needs his ( i would be jabbing him all night ) .he will come cuddle with me for a while and then i tell him to go to his room. we have a wonderful and fulfilling relationship and will be getting married in a couple months.

    ps... i love all the room i have.

  18. it may not seem normal, but there are couples who do it, and for various reasons. some have separate rooms due to their work/sleep schedules, so that they do not disturb the other. some have separate rooms due to one of them snoring so bad that it keeps the other up. i know that my in laws will sleep in separate rooms when the other has a cold/flu. personally, while i lived with my soon to be ex, i would have preferred a separate bedroom due to his work schedule always interrupting my sleeping schedule.

  19. Depends on how long how they bin together. how they act and how they see each other if every thing is good then its ok if its bad its not

  20. Not to worry it's normal and I know with my boyfriend parents they have been together 40 some years and they sleep in separate rooms and they do love each other too.

  21. it's different - that's for sure. my grandparents slept like that. my wife and I would never dream of such a thing ourselves.

  22. It may be normal for THEM, which is all that matters. They are on two different schedules, and sleep is important. If you know that things are OK with their relationship, I wouldn't worry.  

  23. What is normal is what works for them. People think when you are married you have to sleep in the same bed together, but how many people do you hear complain that they can't sleep, because their spouse snores all night long? How can you feel loving toward someone who deprives you of a good nights sleep, night after night?

    When I was married my husband was a bed hog and would pull the covers off me. He only left me enough room on the bed that I had to sleep on my side and couldn't even roll over in the middle of the night. Even if he would have allowed me half of the bed (which never happened) I wouldn't have been able to sleep anyway, because of his loud snoring. If I dared shake him and ask him to roll over, he would get angry that I disturbed HIS SLEEP!!! Grrrrrr!

    If I'm ever foolish enough to get married again, I will insist on separate bedrooms, or I won't get married. You can have a fully satisfied s*x life and a good nights sleep with separate bedrooms and wake up in the morning not feeling tired and angry at your spouse. To me that would be a normal way to live. I also think men and women should have separate bathrooms. Lol I can't handle sharing a bathroom that has urine all over the toilet, the seat is left up and there are dirty clothes and bath towels on the floor. Men should be required to go to pre-marital school and learn how to be neat and clean, before they can get married.

    I guess you could say "I LOVE BEING SINGLE!!!!" I have a queen size bed all to myself and loving it. : )

  24. I think they are fine, and you need to get your nose out of it, unless it's your marriage.  Some people do not like to actually sleep with another person all the time.

  25. Sounds like there may be a break in communication.. That, or he doesn't want to wake her when he gets home late.  

    I vote more on the first choice, though.

  26. they got a very valid sound reason

    hence its normal

    its their life leave it be, their happy its what mather

    and yeah women pinch the blanket, luckily my bf dont freeze easily, the solution is geting a bigger blanket so there is enough of it

  27. I think its fine if it makes them happy;-)

    It was finr for Lucy & Ricky

  28. some people prefer separate beds... just because they can't sleep in the same bed... (WOMEN PINCH THE COVERS!!!)

  29. this is normal. thats what id do when i get married. people like having their own beds. as long as they have s*x its okay

  30. Most people do that once theyre much in their 50's..been married for years and years. I dont think its too normal. But you know..stuff works different for different people. If you dont feel like its pushing you guys apart, then its fine.  

  31. headed for divorce, just a matter of time.

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