
Is it normal for a 10 y/o not to be able to cut their own steak?

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My daughter has Fine Motor Dyspraxia. She tries hard to cut her own dinner meat every night, but simply cannot do it. Even meat that falls apart easily, like chicken or roast, she still can't do it. It isn't a matter of wont, but can't. She really tries hard. Is this because of the dissorder or is this typical for a child her age. She actually will be 10 in a 3.5 weeks. I just realized tonight as I was making her plate that I've been chopping up meat almost every night for 10 years. UGH.




  1. yea its normal it is pretty hard and im 12 but im getting better at it! haha! and i dunno what that is but i dont have it and i cant really cut my steak lol

  2. Ha, im 14 and my dad still cuts my meat, i just can't do it = (

  3. its okay i still have to help my frends duaghter eat wen i baby sit

  4. I would think it is the disorder causing it. My son is 10 and he cuts all his own meat but I cut my youngests for him and he is turning 8 this weekend.

  5. If she is working with an Occupational Therapist, then you probably have to bring this issue up to him. These are skills that your daughter can learn to do even if she has Fine Motor Dyspraxia.

    Many parents, routinly cut their kid's meat because it is "quicker" then watching them wrestle with it.

    You also need to work with her. She may need a very sharp knife. With Supervision instruct her to use a sawing motion to cut through the meat. You may actually have to do hand over hand instruction (Your hands are on top of hers).

    She is 10. Old enough to certainly feed herself, which includes cutting meat.

  6. Have her hold the fork in her dominant hand and gently slide the knife down the back of the fork.  It's strange at first, but with a little practice it might help.  By holding the fork in the D hand she puts more force on the meat and keeps it in place.

    I find it much easier to do it this way.

  7. well im 16 nd i cant cut hard meet howeever i can cut fings like chickin but i had like this steak thing like a few month ago nd i gave up nd gave it to my dad coz i couldnt cut through it also its notyhing major or nothing to worry about so :)

  8. Seems to me that she should still be able to cut her meat.  I would assume that you already have in her in some kind of physical therapy. If not, you should because if she can't cut the meat, there are other things she likely is unable to do as a result.

  9. The Fine Motor Dyspraxia definitely has an effect on this.  Her and eye coordination is effected, and so her hand writing may be sloppy, and she may write very slow.  It is okay though, when I was 10 my parents still cut my meat for me.  I actually believe that I have Fine Motor Dyspraxia, its okay. Don't worry about it so much.  It will get better as time goes on

  10. My sister is 21 and she still can't do it herself...She doesn't have any problems that we know of...

    And u know u really shouldn't complain about it..I don't complain about helpin my sister...Cuz I love her..Even though she does have issues...

  11. Many kids can't use knives well until they are older, like 11 or even 12.  It's normal, so if she feels frustrated by it, cut up her meat before you give it to her, so she won't be as upset.  DON'T cut it up for her on her own plate, she will feel like a baby, or like she has a huge disability.

  12. maybe its something that you can mention to her OT if she is going to one, that is one of the things that they would be able to help you with..

    my son is 6 and has been seeing and OT for about 8 months and has been doing a ton of things he would have never done before... including cutting his food..


  14. I help my 6 year old w/ hers but always make the 9 year old do it herself (unless it's really tough).

    I volunteer w/ kids and I'm always surprised at the girls - 12, 13 or so, who have NEVER used a knife in the kitchen, or cooked on a stove, or lit a match.  My older daughter can cut up potatoes, add seasonings and prep them for the oven.  She can flip pancakes, scramble eggs etc.

    So should your daughter cut her own meat?  I think she should try.  You might want to start her w/ pancakes, french toast, meatloaf - fairly easy food.

    Keep in mind that at 16, she'll be going on school trips, and at 18 she'll go away to college.  No one there will cut her meat for her.  This is an important life skill.

    Since she has FMD, you should probably consult w her therapist about the best way to do this.

  15. More than likely its her fine motor dyspaxia.  Good Luck!

  16. Yes, It is very normal and children as well as adults everyday have deficits like this.

    My baby brother Is now 11 years old and cannot tie his Shoes. He tries but cant.  He plays well by himself but doesnt like to do things in teams and it takes him hours to finish homeowrk.  Although he can read at a college reading level no problem fine motor skills are a troubling issue.  He is so so smart and I love him to death and it brakes my heart to drive by outside his school and he walks all alone, not that he doesnt have friends but he prefers to not fuss with the issues.

    there are exercises that can be done to develop an under developed cerebellum so that the vestibular, inner ear and balance all coordinate with eachother.  If you want to look into it more I suggest looking into the Dore Program.

  17. I actually couldn't cut my own meat until I was in my teen years.  I'm left handed, but use scissors with my right hand  and it took me a very long time to get coordinated enough to manage holding my fork w/one hand and using the knife with the other.  It is probably the dyspraxia, but I wouldn't rule out age either.  I wouldn't make an issue out of it......she will get the hang of it eventually.

  18. I teach 11-15 year olds and have a 7 year old son.  And the answer is that every child matures differently.  Most of my 11 year olds can't cut well enough to cut meat.  And even the more advance ones (mostly girls) scare me when I see them with scissors or knives cause they are still quite akward cutting.  I say let her try with soft meats, but don't stop with more tough meats.

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