
Is it normal for a 10 year old to..?

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still play with dolls or stuffed animals and talk to them like they are real?




  1. Yes

  2. yep my son is almost ten and still plays make believe and sleeps with his ducky he has had since the day he was born.

  3. YES. completlyy normal. All 3 of my sisters child do. It is Because trully i feel like it is fun pretending,and i mean what else do you expect someone so young too do? Find a job? No. Playing with stuffend animals is completlyyy normal

  4. Wow - how nice - a 10 year old who acts like a 10 year old, I think it's very good.

  5. this must be happening, because he feels lonely,make him more attachment with the world, though this is not abnormal but this is what it indicates, he may like to get more concern from parents and other people he likes, give him the practise of greeting and entering into discussions, expression skills likes dislikes, support and respect his ideas. don't compare with other children, don't criticise for every thing he does.

  6. yeah i did till i was 11 i kinda did it to help me gain more confidence and it was so much fun. im 31 now and i play dolls with my 3 year old now

  7. I don't know about talking to them, but I definitely played with them until around 11. But then, I've never talked to my toys, so I don't know.

  8. Yes! my brother is ten and he still plays with all his webkinz and one of them is "part of the family".

    It will pass so just go along with it because it will allow him/her to use their imagination

  9. yes it is perfectly normal,i am 11 and i play with dolls iwht my friend all the time and i have this really special stuffed cow that i just love and i take him everywhere with me.

  10. yeah i always did!!! imaginations can create anywhere... its fun to have a story like(teddy the bear and missy the poodle go to the movies)LOL

  11. My child still does, and she's 10.

    I don't think I stopped thinking cars and toys had feelings until I was about 12-14.

    My child might grow out of that stage faster though since she has parakeets and my cockatiel to talk to and play with. =)

    It's also fun to just take a day here and there and just pretend with them and play with them.

    You can also enlist your child in his or her favorite sports &/or arts and crafts classes and take the class with him or her if you'd like.


  13. Yes, this is quite normal and absolutely nothing to worry about. I personally played with Barbie dolls until I was 12, and so did most of my peers, and we all turned out just fine after we grew up. ;-)

    So please don't stop your child from playing....don't make him/her grow up too fast! The childhood years are precious and go by quickly, and once they are gone they will never come back. Your child will have the rest of his/her life to be an adult...please don't take this simple pleasure away from him/her now. Let him/her be a kid while he/she has a chance to.....

  14. I did when i was 10. and im 14.. and im fine. She/He will grow out of it. I do still feel a sort of discomfert when i see a stuffed animal laying face down. IDK why but i have the urge to atleast sit it up. haha

  15. yeah it normal for a mother to be totally unaware of childhood development and stages...NO

  16. lol emily yea they dont look right. but yea its normal i think i was around that age when i stopped, im 18 now

  17. No

  18. yep, it's imaginative play, and it's important for kids. now, if they don't know the difference between fantasy and realism (ie: are those animals talkin' back?), then you may need to investigate a little deeper.

  19. Yes. I did it when I was that age.

  20. Of course! I had a stuffed kitty named Snowball when I was about 8 or 9 (I HATED Barbies) And my friend had Flip. I went to her house and I brought her (Snowball) with me. And she played with Flip and my friend and I played Sims 2. Totally normal!

  21. yes.this is just your child's mind and imagination exploring!

  22. It's completely normal.

    If you don't want them to do so, you can start playing other things with them so they don't feel the need to talk to inanimate objects.

  23. Yeah

  24. Yes a 10 year old is a child and that is what children do.  Why rush a child to grow up?  I played with barbies until age 11 and American Girl dolls until about 13.  

    Would you rather have the opposite and your 10 year old begging to wear makeup and date?  Be glad.

  25. yes it actually because that is the age of most active emagination  but if he still does it when hes somewhere between 12 and 13 you should put your foit down

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